An analysis was the examination of a problem or something complex by breaking it down into smaller units for understanding it better, for decision making, or for answering questions. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor", "Identity Crisis", "Hero Worship"; VOY: "Good Shepherd")
On Federation spacecraft, the data from sensors was processed, or run, by a computer. This data was used for creating a complete or full analysis. When there was insufficient data, or information, or the computer was offline, a problem could not be solved or the analysis could not be performed. The computer would say, "Analysis in progress.", if the process was taking longer than expected to indicate to the user that the analysis was in the process of being completed. When it was completed, the computer would say, "Analysis complete." The results of the analysis, presented in an informational report, was then presented to an individual or to a group. A report might include a resolution to the problem. The majority of analyses were performed by the engineering division or the science division. (TOS: "The Changeling", "The Immunity Syndrome", "Assignment: Earth", "The Lights of Zetar"; TNG: "A Matter Of Honor"; DS9: "Battle Lines"; VOY: "One Small Step", "Good Shepherd")
After the USS Enterprise time traveled to 1968 and intercepted the transporter beam of Gary Seven who was then sent to security confinement, Captain James T. Kirk used the ship's intercom to address the crew from the briefing room. All science, engineering, and supervisory personnel were ordered to lock into the briefing room because their next decision could be of enormous consequence to not only them but to Earth's entire future. They were requested to speak up at any time to provide analysis of the current information they had about Gary Seven. Pavel Chekov reported the analysis of the direction that Gary Seven beamed from, however, star maps showed no habitable planets in that area of the Galaxy. Engineering was unable to analyze the transporter beam because it was so powerful that it fused most of their recording circuits. Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott speculated that it could have brought Gary Seven back great distances or back through time. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")
See also
- Analysis mode
- Analysis sector
- Analysis subroutine
- Combat salvo analysis
- Compositional analysis
- Electrographic Analysis
- Medical analysis
- Scan analysis
- Seismic analysis
- Spacecraft Analysis
- Substance analysis report
- Tactical analysis
- Tactical Analysis
- Tactical Analysis Division
- Quantum analysis
- Vessel analysis