Arabic was a language used on Earth in the Middle East and North Africa by Arabs.
A malfunction of the universal translator in 2257 caused Keyla Detmer to speak in Andorian. Not recognizing the language, she asked Joann Owosekun if it was Arabic. (DIS: "An Obol for Charon")
Captain Kathryn Janeway, while being quizzed by Admiral Patterson, noted that the original Arabic name for Gamma Orionis was "Bellatrix". (VOY: "Relativity")
Janeway refers to Bellatrix as the original Arabic name for Gamma Orionis, however, the name "Bellatrix" is actually Latin in origin and means "Amazon". The real Arabic name for the star was al Najid, "the conqueror.". Regardless, numerous other real stars mentioned in Star Trek were called by their Arabic names, including for example Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Deneb, Rigel, and many others.
Arabic text has not been seen on screen, but was referred to in translated subtitles in "An Obol for Charon."Arabic-named starships
Earth languages |
Arabic • Chinese (Cantonese • Mandarin Chinese) • Dutch • English • Finnish • French • German • Greek • Hawaiian • Hebrew • Hindi • Irish • Italian • Japanese • Latin • Lincos • Norwegian • Polish • Russian • Scots • Sign language (American Sign Language) • Spanish • Swahili • Welsh • Whale song • Wolof |
- Allah - God (TNG: "Pen Pals")
- Bedouin - a nomad (TNG: "Pen Pals")
- Erg - a sea of sand or dune field (DS9: "Second Skin")
- Fakir - a holy man (ENT: "Carbon Creek")
- Jihad - a holy war or struggle (TAS: "The Jihad")