Araya was a Vhnori and the wife of Hatil Garan. They had children.
Her husband was hurt and did not wish to be a burden to her, so he chose to be euthanized and go to the Next Emanation, the Vhnori afterlife.
When Harry Kim was pulled from another dimension to the Vhnori homeworld, Araya's husband began to question the next emanation. She tried to persuade him to consent to the procedure, explaining that he would be with his father. Araya became upset with Kim, and told him to stay away from her husband.
In the end, Garan would switch places with Kim. Kim returned to USS Voyager, and Garan, unknown to Araya, fled to the mountain. Araya believed he was dead and happy in the next emanation. (VOY: "Emanations")
Araya was played by actress Robin Groves.
Aside from her name being spoken on-screen, she was otherwise identified in the script simply as "Wife".
The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 298 and additionally gave the character, like her husband, the surname "Garan".
According to the subtitles on the UK VOY Season 1 DVD release, her name was "Loria".