
Bajoran civil police

The Bajoran civil police were a law enforcement agency on the planet Bajor.

In 2371, the Dahkur Province civil police issued a province-wide arrest warrant for Shakaar Edon and Kira Nerys after they refused to return several government-owned soil reclamators. Shakaar and Kira managed to elude the police for two weeks by hiding in the Dahkur Hills. After those two week, First Minister and Kai Winn Adami ordered the Bajoran Militia into Dahkur to take over the search, led by Colonel Lenaris Holem. (DS9: "Shakaar")

Based on the outline for the series, Odo was described as "a civilian law enforcement officer" which parallels such an agency as this. (The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, p. 74)

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