Bajoran space or Bajoran territory was the territorial region of space claimed by the Bajoran Republic. Bajoran Control was the agency responsible for regulating space traffic in the Bajoran system by the 2370s.
Bajoran law strictly prohibited any unwarranted search and seizure of vessels in their territory. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
In 2369, Jadzia Dax had the computer aboard Deep Space 9 create a database for all historical references to the Orbs, including all reports of any unexplained phenomena in Bajoran space. (DS9: "Emissary")
The Aldara, a Cardassian cruiser, pursued a Bajoran scout ship carrying Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los into Bajoran space after he stole an antimatter converter from a Cardassian outpost. Commander Benjamin Sisko later contacted the Aldara to seek Gul Danar's help in stopping Tahna destroying the Bajoran wormhole, although the Aldara was too distant to assist. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
In 2370, following the destruction of the Cardassian freighter Bok'Nor while docked at upper pylon 1 of Deep Space 9, Odo noted that, if he was a Cardassian, he would not easily accept that the destruction of a Cardassian freighter in Bajoran space was an accident. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
In 2372, the IKS M'Char, commanded by Kaybok, stopped the SS Xhosa in its tractor beam. The USS Defiant was launched from space station Deep Space 9, when Benjamin Sisko received a priority 1 distress call from Kasidy Yates, the captain of the detained freighter. When the Defiant contacted Kaybok, he told the Starfleet crew that the Klingon High Council had issued him orders to search every ship that tried to leave Bajoran space. When Major Kira indicated that the High Council had no jurisdiction over ships in Bajoran space, Kaybok indicated that, per his orders, "we assumed you would welcome our assistance."
After the Defiant pursuaded the M'Char to withdraw, Dax noted that according to long-range sensors, the Klingon task force had withdrawn to just outside Bajoran territory into unclaimed space. Sisko then noted that if the Klingons decided to continue searching ship there was nothing they could do about it unless they tried to stop a Federation or Bajoran vessel.
Following the First Battle of Deep Space 9, Klingon Chancellor Gowron was convinced to withdraw his task force from Bajoran space. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
Later that year, the USS Yukon, carrying Miles O'Brien and Major Kira Nerys, requested permission to enter Bajoran space upon returning from the Bajoran-Cardassian border and got clearance from Bajoran control. Witnessed the detonation of a cloaked Klingon mine just outside Bajoran space, they attempted to investigate but were confronted by the IKS Korinar who, claiming they were conducting military exercises, ordered the Yukon to return to Bajoran space at disruptor point. It later became apparent that the Korinar was in fact participating in a Klingon effort to mine the Bajoran system. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")
In 2373, Admiral Gilhouly led a Starfleet task force which was sent to Deep Space 9 to protect the station against a possible attack by the Dominion. Using fake warp signatures, the Dominion create the illusion that an attack by a fleet of Jem'Hadar and Cardassian ships was imminent, while they made an ultimately failed attempt to destroy the Bajoran sun. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")
During the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, Kira reported that an additional wave of enemy ships were entering Bajoran space. This led Sisko to give the order to evacuate the station. (DS9: "Call to Arms")