List of slang terms. Trending pages Grup Dim Jesus Christ Ballpark All items (282) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Category:Insults ' 'bone 'stache 'ton 4 4-0 8 The 80 A Airtight All-nighter Amen Arts idioms Ass Auntie B Backseat driver Ballpark Barf Beef Before time Bingo Bitch Black and whites Black people Blackmail Bleeder Bloke Bloodhound Blower Blue demon Blue skin Boo-boo Boob Boob tube Booze Brainwash Brainwashing Bridge buddy Broad Brown out Buck Buffer buff Bullshit Burger Butcher Butcher knife BYOB C Caddy Cap (slang) Cart Character assassination Chestnut Chevy Chief blacksmith Chopper (slang) Chopper (vehicle) Civvies Classic Close encounter Clyde Coin (slang) Cold turkey Collaborator Comb Comfort food Commie Cop Crap Creature Crucifixion Cuffs D Dame Dick (slang) Dim Dodge City Doll (slang) Domestication Dumbass E Eager beaver Earth men Earth-type Earther Economic parlance Edsel Elbow grease Exec F Fad Fancy Dan Farm boy Feck Feds Fin (currency) Final conquest Fink Fireplug First class Flapper Flivver Flophouse Fly boy Flyboy Folks Foolie Foot traffic Fried Fuck Funny farm G Ghost (slang) Ghost ship Gig Gimmie Go-before God damn Gramps Granddad Grandma Grandmama Grandpa Grease monkey Green (slang) Green thumb Greenhorn Greens Grilling Groovy Ground zero Grubber Grup Guardian angel Guinea pig H Happiness pill Harvey (slang) Heater Hiccup Holy Grail Holy shit Homemade Horseshit Hurler I Insult J Jackass Jacked Jerry Jesus Christ Jet-setter Jury rigging K Krady beast L Ladies' man Lady killer Lassie Latinum stairway Laundry list Leak (slang) Leap of faith Leech (slang) Lemon Leper Longhair Lovebirds Low-mileage pit woofie Lunar schooner M Mack Malparido Man cave Marathon Mark (slang) Master's ticket Medical idioms Mint condition Miracle child 'monehead Moonlighting Mort Mortal Mumbo jumbo Mutual admiration society N Negro Night owl Nightcap Nosebleed Nova (slang) Novelty Nubian O Offlander Old man Old salt Organic (slang) Outer Mongolia P Packrat Page-turner Parking brake Pee People doctor Percentage Petrification Piggyback Pigsty Pink skin Pinko Piss off Pissed Pooch Poop