Filmation was an animation studio, founded by Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott, that produced low-budget television cartoons in the 1970s and 1980s, including Star Trek: The Animated Series. It was owned by Westinghouse Broadcasting, which owned stations including KYW-TV 3 in Philadelphia, KPIX 5 in San Francisco, WBZ-TV 4 in Boston, KDKA-TV 2 in Pittsburgh (where Westinghouse was based), and WJZ-TV 13 in Baltimore. The studio defined animation economy, as it often reused shots again and again and reduced character movements to a bare minimum. This often led to clumsy animation as characters stood completely still, sometimes for minutes at a time; however, at the time, it was believed that children didn't actually care and it was worth it for the bargain price. However, it must be noted that on occasion, Filmation proved themselves able to achieve fairly impressive animation, designs and effects considering their small budget. Filmation-produced shows are also noted to have some impressive backdrop designs.