List of unnamed Klingon military personnel who served during the 23rd century.
General #1
This general was an adviser to Azetbur following her ascension to the position of Klingon chancellor following the assassination of her father, Chancellor Gorkon. The general blamed the Federation for Gorkon's death and urged Azetbur to "attack or be slaves in their world!". Azetbur wisely chose not to follow this course of action. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
This Klingon general was played by Jim Boeke.
In the novelization of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, he was given the name Khmarr.
General #2
This general was also an adviser to Azetbur and followed the advices made by Kerla and another general after Azetbur contacted the President of the Federation.
He was also, however, a member of the Khitomer conspiracy and collaborated with General Chang, among others, to sabotage the tentative peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. He later served under Chang aboard Chang's experimental Klingon Bird-of-Prey, which could fire weapons while cloaked. He was present when Chang engaged the Enterprise-A and USS Excelsior over Khitomer and was killed when the Bird-of-Prey was destroyed. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
This Klingon general was played by Matthias Hues.
In the novelization of Star Trek VI, his name was given as Grokh.
General #3
This general accompanied Chancellor Gorkon, Azetbur, Chang, Stex, and Kerla aboard the Enterprise-A after Captain Kirk invited Gorkon and his staff for a dinner aboard the ship. He was the last officers who stepped off of the transporter platform and had a close look at Doctor McCoy. During the following dinner he sat between Chang and Stex and was asked by Uhura if he was also fond of Shakespeare. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
This Klingon general was portrayed by a background actor with the last name Farrel who received no credit for this part.
He was identified as general by the call sheet of the shooting day, the 5 June 1991, and by Uhura in dialogue.
Bird-of-Prey personnel
These soldiers served on the Klingon Bird-of-Prey which raided the Doctari Alpha Research Outpost in 2236. They beamed aboard the outpost and killed Mike Burnham, while his wife, Gabrielle Burnham escaped using the Red angel suit. (DIS: "Perpetual Infinity")
In 2268, this captain attempted to engage the USS Enterprise in the disputed Tellun system. The captain was coordinating with a Elasian spy named Kryton, on board the Enterprise, in planting a bomb that was set to destroy the ship if it attempted to engage its warp drive. The captain then used his warship to taunt the Enterprise into going to warp. Unable to provoke the Enterprise, the captain finally ordered it to standby for boarding or be destroyed and no conditions even on Elaan's safety, before finally being deterred by a retaliatory attack by the Enterprise. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
The Klingon captain was played by actor K.L. Smith. The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Khod.
In 2287, this commander reported the hostage situation on Nimbus III, and ordered Klaa on a mission to proceed there, to rescue disgraced General Korrd. News of a Terran among the hostages piqued Klaa's and Vixis' interest in the mission. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
This Klingon was played by an unknown actor.
According to the novelization of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (pp 80-81), this officer was General Krell, a man whose sister was married to Korrd. That reason alone being the Klingon's only motivation for rescuing the otherwise disgraced Korrd.
Communications officer #1
Late in 2267, this officer impersonated a distress call from the Federation freighter SS Dierdre, when in fact, the call was actually coming from a Klingon scout ship, in a failed attempt to lure the USS Enterprise away from the planet Capella IV.
The officer, who claimed that the Dierdre was under heavy attack by Klingon vessels, faltered in his claim by addressing the Enterprise directly while making a "general" distress call. Montgomery Scott, the acting commanding officer at the time, caught the error, and ignored the attempt at deception, because starship positions were generally not known to convoy freighters. (TOS: "Friday's Child")
This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.
This uncredited role was voiced by Walker Edmiston, the script describes the character as "Officer's voice".
Communications officer #2
... (DIS: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum")
Played by Anthony Grant.
Elysian councilor
According to Kor, only a handful of engineers in the Klingon Imperial Fleet knew how to operate cloaking devices in the 2260s. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")
These engineers were only mentioned in dialogue.
Khitomer Conference attendees
Occupation of Organia
Several hundred soldiers beamed down near the citadel during their participation in the military occupation of Organia under Governor Kor in 2267. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") These soliders were only mentioned in dialogue.
This lieutenant was second in command to Kor. In 2267, he was with Kor when the Klingons took possession of the peaceful planet Organia.
Upon the arrival on Organia, the lieutenant was tasked with the duty using the mind scanner on Spock to determine his intentions on the planet. Following the interrogation, he reported to Kor his findings.
Later he reported to Kor that the spies, Kirk and Spock, had escaped their prison cell, despite there having been ten guards on duty at all times. In retaliation to the Organians assisting in their escape, Kor ordered the lieutenant to evoke Special Occupation Order 4, resulting in the execution of two hundred Organians.
Kor later ordered the lieutenant to kill another two hundred Organians, but was captured by Kirk and Spock shortly after he departed Kor's office. Kirk questioned the lieutenant before Spock incapacitated him with a Vulcan nerve pinch. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
The lieutenant was played by actor Victor Lundin. "That was a bone, thrown to me by Paramount," he said. "It was a very small role as a Klingon and I didn't want to do it. Casting director Joe D'Agosta asked me to do it for him as a favor, so I did." (Starlog #224)
In the first draft of the script, this role was originally divided between a "technician" (who interrogated both Spock and, in a deleted scene, Kirk) and this corresponding, unchanged "lieutenant" role. By the final draft of the script, the role was combined into a single individual.
The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Kered.
Soldier 1
This soldier was part of the occupation force that entered the village during the Klingon invasion Organia.
He held little regard for the Organians, later deliberately collided with Baroner and Spock, as they walked along the walkway near a cafe, informing them to get out of his way. When Spock apologized to the soldier for having not seen him coming, he was told "next time keep your eyes open, or I'll shut them permanently," before shoving him into Kirk. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by Walt Davis, who was listed in the episode's cast sheet as a "Klingon soldier".
In the script, he was described as "a tall Klingon soldier", and after his interaction with Kirk and Spock, it was noted that "he swaggers on, arrogant, proud".
In alternate lines that appeared in the script but not in the filmed episode, he had originally told Kirk and Spock, "When your betters approach... into the street, Organians!"
Soldier 2
This soldier was part of the occupation during the Klingon invasion Organia.
He was on patrol outside the citadel at night, when he was attacked and knocked out by Kirk before dragging him away. Following the attack, Kirk and Spock were able to successfully destroy the munitions dump outside the citadel. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by George Sawaya. He was identified in the script and cast sheet as "2nd Klingon", and was described as being both "armed and armored".
This role was originally written as a speaking role, as was evident in the first draft of the script, which presented this scene slightly different than what appeared in the aired episode. Originally, the "1st Klingon" and "2nd Klingon" were marching post, and meeting at a central location. Upon discovering the soldiers, Kirk and Spock split up, with Kirk incapacitating the "1st Klingon", who is later sought by the "2nd Klingon" when they don't meet again at the same point in their march. When the "2nd Klingon" becomes "worried", he calls out by name for the "1st Klingon" – "Klong" in the first draft; "Chen" in the final draft – but is himself incapacitated by Spock.
Though two soldiers seen patrolling at night in the aired episode, Kirk only encounters and incapacitates this soldier, while Spock was unseen elsewhere.
Soldier 3
This soldier was among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
He passed Kirk and Spock, as they walked along the walkway, were patrolling near the village cafe.
He was later part of the force that joined Kor in the Organian Council Chamber to confront Kirk and Spock after it was determined that they were responsible for bombing the munitions dump outside the citadel. He and a second soldier then assisted in escorting Kirk away to the Kor's office.
Following Kor's talk with Kirk at his office, this and another soldier escorted Kirk away to be placed in the prison cell with Spock. After learning of the escape of Spock and Kirk from the prison cell, the same two led the lieutenant away to execute two hundred more Organians.
This solder was, finally, among the small group that entered Kor's office after it was discovered that he had been taken prisoner by Kirk and Spock. He found his disruptor to be too hot to handle, and when he attempted to fight with Spock, he found that physical contact between the two also yielded unbearable pain. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by an unknown actor.
Soldier 4 and 5
These soldiers were among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
They were patrolling near the village cafe when they passed Baroner and Spock on the stairway. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
Soldier 6
This soldier was among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
He was later enjoying a beverage in the village cafe with three other soldiers when Baroner and Spock were planning their offensive against the Klingons. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by Basil Poledouris.
Soldier 7
This soldier was among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
He was later enjoying a beverage in the village cafe with three other soldiers when Baroner and Spock were planning their offensive against the Klingons.
He later was part of the force that joined Kor in the Organian Council Chamber to confront Kirk and Spock after it was determined that they were responsible for bombing the munitions dump outside the citadel. He and a second soldier then assisted in escorting Kirk away to the Kor's office. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by an unknown actor.
Soldier 8 and 9
These soldiers were among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
The first soldier served as a squad leader of the initial invasion force that entered the village when the Klingons occupied the Organia, instructing the other soldiers to the guard positions throughout the village.
Together they escorted Kor into the room where the Organian Council of Elders sat.
Later, they later passed Kirk and Spock, as they walked along the walkway, while they were patrolling near the village cafe.
Later yet, they stood guard together outside of the prison cell where Kirk and Spock were being held. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
In the script they were both simply described as "hard-faced".
The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives the first soldier's name as Daval.
Soldier 10
This soldier was among the soldiers who served under Kor during the Klingon invasion of Organia.
He and second soldier were responsible for guarding the door to Kor's office.
He later was part of the force that joined Kor in the Organian Council Chamber to confront Kirk and Spock after it was determined that they were responsible for bombing the munitions dump outside the citadel. He and a second soldier then assisted in escorting Spock away to the prison cell.
This solder was, finally, among the small group that entered Kor's office after it was discovered that he had been taken prisoner by Kirk and Spock. He found his disruptor to be too hot to handle, and when he attempted to fight with Spock, he found that physical contact between the two also yielded unbearable pain. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by an unknown actor. This actor also appeared as an Enterprise technician in "The Enemy Within", one of Khan's followers in "Space Seed", and a Klingon crewman in "Day of the Dove".
Soldier 11
This soldier was among the soldiers who served under Kor during the Klingon invasion of Organia.
He and second soldier were responsible for guarding the door to Kor's office.
This solder was also among the small group that entered Kor's office after it was discovered that he had been taken prisoner by Kirk and Spock. He found his disruptor to be too hot to handle, and when he attempted to fight with Kirk, he found that physical contact between the two also yielded unbearable pain. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by an unknown actor, who also played Bobby throughout several episodes of TOS Season 1.
Soldier 12
This soldier was among the squad that entered the village when the Klingons invaded Organia.
He was enjoying a beverage and chatting with another soldier in the village cafe moments before the second soldier collided with Baroner and Spock.
He later was part of the force that joined Kor in the Organian Council Chamber to confront Kirk and Spock after it was determined that they were responsible for bombing the munitions dump outside the citadel. He and a second soldier then assisted in escorting Spock away to the prison cell.
Following Kor's talk with Kirk at his office, this and another soldier escorted Kirk away to be placed in the prison cell with Spock. After learning of the escape of Spock and Kirk from the prison cell, the same two led the lieutenant away to execute two hundred more Organians.
This soldier was, finally, among the small group that entered Kor's office after it was discovered that he had been taken prisoner by Kirk and Spock. He found his disruptor to be too hot to handle, and when he attempted to fight with Kirk, he found that physical contact between the two also yielded unbearable pain. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
This soldier was played by Tom Steele.
Officer on Praxis
This wild-eyed officer broadcast a distress call from Praxis, following the moon's explosion in 2293. He was briefly seen on the viewscreen of the USS Excelsior, replying to Captain Sulu's offer of assistance, following the detection of the explosion. The officer's message was disrupted and replaced by a broadcast by Brigadier Kerla, simply stating that there had been an "incident" and that no assistance was required because everything is under control. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
This Klingon was portrayed by Clifford Shegog.
His character was referred to as a "Wild-Eyed Klingon Officer" in the film's script.
Officers on Morska
These two officers were assigned to a listening post on the planet Morska within the Klingon Empire and were not particularly diligent in their duties. In 2293, they allowed a ship claiming to be the freighter Ursva (actually the USS Enterprise-A) to pass unchallenged through Klingon space towards Rura Penthe despite the freighter crew's poor grasp of Klingonese. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
The first Klingon was listed as "Sleepy Klingon" in the end credits of the movie.
According to the call sheet, both actors filmed their scenes on Tuesday 9 April 1991 on Paramount Stage 15.
In the novelization, the first Klingon was named Kesla and the second was named Genrah. The listening post was called Mortagh Outpost Three. The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives the first Klingon's name as Woteln.
Starship personnel
- IKS Amar personnel
- IKS Devisor personnel
- IKS Gr'oth personnel
- Kronos One personnel
- Chang's Bird-of-Prey personnel
- Kang's battle cruiser personnel
- Klaa's Bird-of-Prey personnel
- Kruge's Bird-of-Prey personnel
- L'Rell's battle cruiser personnel
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Klingons Unnamed Klingons |
Next list: Unnamed Klingon military personnel (24th century) |