

Lowry Avenue
An address in California

An address was a designation for the location where one lived or worked. A forwarding address was an individual's new address, to which all their mail arriving at the old address was to be forwarded.

In 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher offered to give the newly revived from cryogenic stasis Clare Raymond her great-great-great-great-great-grandson Thomas Raymond's address so she could re-connect with her descendants. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

In 2367, Dr. Berel determined that the address "Rivas Jakara" gave as his home location was in reality that of a restaurant. (TNG: "First Contact")

In 2369, Sirco Ch'Ano's name and address was printed on the shipping codes for the self-sealing stem bolts he'd ordered. (DS9: "Progress")

In 2377, Leosa left no forwarding address behind after leaving her apartment. (VOY: "Inside Man")

Known addresses

See also

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