

Precognition or premonition was the ability to predict future events by extrasensory perception.

In an alternate timeline in 2366, Data speculated that El-Aurians possibly had an awareness which superseded the normal flow of time and space, allowing them to be extraordinarily sensitive to the space-time continuum itself. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

The Prophets existed outside of linear time, and were simultaneously aware of the past, present, and the future. (DS9: "Emissary")

In assisting Kes in harnessing her mental abilities in 2372, Tuvok taught her a sensory focus exercise, assisted her with her precognitive skills, and helped her learn how to self-induce a hypnagogic mental state. (VOY: "Cold Fire")

The Yattho, a species native to the Beta Quadrant, were among certain species known for their precognitive abilities which were of exceptional accuracy. (VOY: "Before and After")

According to Tuvok, Vulcans were not known to experience premonitions. Thus, he was concerned when, in 2371, he began experiencing visions which could be described as premonitions. (VOY: "Fury")

In 2373, while inside Borg space, Kes had premonitions about the Borg, Species 8472, and the deaths of the USS Voyager crew. She believed that it was Species 8472 the crew should worry about instead of the Borg. (VOY: "Scorpion")

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