A famine or starvation was a period of widespread hunger and lack of food in a specific location.
In the 14th century, famines plagued Ventax II. In the Contract of Ardra, Ardra promised to do away with famine, wars and economic ruin. (TNG: "Devil's Due")
In 2259, widespread famine was averted on Cerberus when Carter Winston stepped in to provide food following a planetwide crop failure. (TAS: "The Survivor")
In 2266, the colony planet Cygnia Minor faced the possibility of famine, a threat which Doctor Thomas Leighton suggested he had found a cure for as a ruse to bring James T. Kirk there so he could trap Kodos. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
In 2268, an amnesiac Kirk created a lamp while on the planet Amerind which allowed he and his wife Miramanee to cook twice as much food, and preserve food for times of famine. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome")
In 2269, Sherman's Planet was hit by crop failures and famine. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")
During the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor a Great Famine occurred on the planet. As late as 2370, the planet was still affected by famine. (DS9: "'Til Death Do Us Part", "Sanctuary")
Before the Jye were hired by the Dinaali to help administering their society in the 24th century, the Dinaali suffered from famine and ecological disasters. (VOY: "Critical Care")
External links
- Famine at Wikipedia
- Starvation at Wikipedia