Artemys 314 was a planet in a perpetual ice age located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. It was the homeworld of the ancient Artemysian civilization.
History and specifics
Millions of years ago, following a century of consistent snowfall, the Artemysian Grand Council determined that they faced an extinction-level crisis. From their population of 400 million, they placed 100,000 individuals in stasis chambers ten kilometers underground to carry on their genetic heritage, and programmed holographic guardians such as Pel to look after them. The planet's ice age was estimated to conclude two million years after the 23rd century.
By the 23rd century, the world showed no signs of prior habitation, and no lifeforms survived its -140° Celsius surface temperature.
In 2262, a Federation survey team examined the world. No indications of power generation were detected on the planet, but interference affected some sensor readings.
In 2270, the SS Giordano Bruno was assigned to study the environmental effects of the planet's ice age. Its crew erected a small science outpost on the surface, but the team was attacked. The ship's service robot Toby sent a distress signal.
Six weeks later, the USS Enterprise arrived in orbit, discovering an unusual defensive perimeter had been established around the outpost. When Bronson crossed between its rods, he collapsed, having been desiccated and nearly killed. James T. Kirk and Spock made contact with Pel and found where the missing science time had been captured and placed in stasis. (TOS - New Visions comic: "All the Ages Frozen")
Notable residents
- Pel