Benthos IV, also known as simply Benthos, was an inhabited planet located in the space of the galaxy's Delta Quadrants, the fourth planet in orbit of the Benthos star system in the Kotaba Expanse. (VOY episode: "Vis à Vis", ST reference: Star Charts)
Details and history
Benthos IV was the homeworld of the Benthan civilization and the center of their state, the Benthan Protectorate. (VOY episode: "Vis à Vis", ST reference: Star Charts)
In the 25th century, the Benthan Guard policed the Protectorate's sphere of influence to protect Benthos from harm by aliens. (STO video game: Delta Rising)
In the year 2410, an alliance from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants convinced the Benthans to join in the newly formed Delta Alliance. (STO - Delta Rising mission: "Alliances")
External links
- Benthos IV article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.