
Deep Space 7

Deep Space Station Seven or "Deep Space 7" is a Federation Starbase operating along the Romulan Neutral Zone.


It was built in the late 2360s from the salvaged remains of Deep Space 6, which was destroyed during construction by a freak accident in 2363. Its communications, sensor, and defensive systems all feature state-of-the-art technology. Starfleet Intelligence maintains a significant presence on board. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book)

In 2357, Admiral Owen Paris led the USS Icarus on the Arias expedition. They were headed for the galactic rim, 600 light years beyond Deep Space 7. (VOY novel: Mosaic)

NOTE: The existence of Deep Space 7 in 2357 contradicts its construction information given in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book (Mosaic was published three years earlier)

The Risa Express was scheduled to stop at the station enroute to its ultimate desgination of the planet Risa. (DS9 - The Maquis: Soldier of Peace - Issue 1 comic: "Vacation's Over")

In 2375, Commander Chakotay pretended to have caught a transport vessel, after serving three years aboard the USS Intrepid while it patrolled the Neutral Zone, at Deep Space 7 for a return trip to Earth in the Species 8472 recreation of Starfleet Academy. (VOY episode: "In the Flesh")

In late 2379, the USS Seyetik docked at DS7 to take aboard Doctor Shenti Yisec Eres Ree and transport him to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards so that he could assume the role of chief medical officer aboard the USS Titan. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)



Federation starbases
Starbases 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242525-Alpha26272829303132333435363739-Sierra404142434445464747-Vanguard484950515253555658596162636465666768697172737475767779808182838485868788899091929395969799101102103104105106108109112113114117118120121122123127128129133134137143144146152153157162171172173174175176178179180182185189193197200201209210211212214215217218219220222223224227231234235236237244247252257260261263264268277295297301302303307309310311312313314315324325326328336343344347357364371375383389393395401410411412413414416419420422434440452473495499505514515521522523524528535541585592-Epsilon612621623693714718804823834906 (Vanguard)1317407761 CygniAndorArdanaBattle Group 1Battle Group 2Battle Group 3Battle Group 4Battle Group 5BethelBravoCopernicusCoridanDenobulaDevalokaDiamandis 1EarhartFederation HeadquartersFleet Setup StationG4G-6HearthHelaspontIcarusIndiaIridaniLambdaLeonovMagellanMI-17MidwayMontgomeryNeil ArmstrongNew XindusR-3RigelRisaVulcanXindus Federation emblem 3188 Tricom crewman badge
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1Starbase 76Starbase 82Starbase 91Frontier 17Yorktown StationStarbase Zeta
Deep Space Stations 123456789 (I)9 (II)1012253C-15E-5G-6HubbleK-2K-5K-7K-8K-9K-10K-11K-12K-13K-22KR-1KR-3L-6M-20M-33R-5Repair Beta 6Portal 1
Kelvin timeline K-5K-7K-4K-11

External link

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