Fog was a male Ferengi pirate. He claimed to be a DaiMon, but it was unclear whether he actually ever held the rank. Fog was considered aggressive. He left the traditional life of profit and eventually became a pirate, serving under other pirates. He would kill his pirate captains in order to move up in the chain.
After twelve years, Fog became his own captain. His band of pirates was called "The Red Band," and operates off the starship Starving Gree. He usually operates in the vicinity of the stellar gas cloud Vertana Nebula, along the Ferengi, Cardassian, and Federation borders (part of which lies within the Draconis Outback).
Lavishing the residents of the region with gifts of latinum, he created a pool of underground support which helps conceal his activities from the authorities. Despite the poor way that he treats the members of his pirate gang, most of them are extremely loyal to them. Which is due to his operation being very profitable, which has benefited the pirates. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Raiders, Renegades & Rogues; Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book)