The Gamma Outposts were a series of Federation outposts near Cardassian space, the Demilitarized Zone and the Badlands that were in existence by the 2370s decade.
History and specifics
In the early 2370s, there were at least twelve of these outposts. (DS9 episode: "For the Uniform", DS9 - The Badlands - Book Two novella: Part IV)
Gamma Outposts
- Gamma 1 outpost
- Gamma 2 outpost
- Gamma 3 outpost
- Gamma 4 outpost
- Gamma 5 outpost
- Gamma 6 outpost
- Gamma 7 outpost
- Gamma 8 outpost
- Gamma 9 outpost
- Gamma 10 outpost
- Gamma 11 outpost
- Gamma 12 outpost