- Ha'DIbaH
- tlhIngan Hol term for an animal lifeform. This is often used as an insult. (TOS movie: The Search for Spock)
- HaroS
- Klingonese word, something a Klingon might put in a sack. Used in syntax, one would use "a sack of HaroS" rather than "a sack of potatoes". Kurrgo thought to himself that a Cardassian he struck in the neck fell to the ground like a sack of HaroS. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- He chu' ghoS
- A Klingon command phrase meaning "Set a new course," referring to ship's course. It is in abbreviated Clipped Klingon, so the verb ghoS is not conjugated. In proper grammar, it would be He chu’ yIghoS. (ST reference: The Klingon Dictionary, TNG episode: "Unification, Part I")
- Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
- Today is a good day to die. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior")
- hija'
- Yes. (SA - Starfleet Academy comic: "Issue 2")
- HIvneS
- tlhIngan Hol verb, sometimes translated as "honor-attack". It refers to carrying out a suicide attack. (ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)
- HoD
- tlhIngan Hol term for the rank of starship captain. (ST reference: The Klingon Dictionary)
- HoH'egh
- tlhIngan Hol term for the act of committing suicide. An honorable form of suicide is the Heghbat ritual. (ST reference: The Klingon Dictionary, DS9 comic: "Hostage Situation")
- HubneS
- tlhIngan Hol verb, sometimes translated as "honor-defend". It refers to carrying out a suicidal defensive mission knowing that involves dying to achieve a strategic purpose. (ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)
- Hur'Iq
- tlhIngan Hol term for for "outsider", used to refer to the alien race that attacked and plundered Qo'noS. It is sometimes transliterated as Hur'q. (DS9 episode: "The Sword of Kahless", ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)
- Hur'Iqngan
- tlhIngan Hol term for a member of the Hur'q species. (ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)