
Let He Who Is Without Sin...

"Let He Who Is Without Sin…" was the 105th episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the 7th episode of the show's fifth season, first aired during the week of 11 November 1996. The episode was written by Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe and directed by Rene Auberjonois.


Worf, Jadzia Dax, Quark, Julian Bashir and Leeta visit Risa, where Worf joins a group that feels the planet exemplifies a supposed moral decay of the Federation.



ArandisJulian BashirJadzia DaxPascal FullertonKopyc K'narfLeetaMornOdoQuarkBenjamin SiskoWorf, son of MoghDeep Space 9 personnel (Deep Space 9 residents)
Referenced only
BodayCurzon DaxMartok (changeling)Kahless the UnforgettableMikelMiles O'BrienKeiko O'BrienRom


Deep Space 9 (Habitat ringReplimat) • Risa (Temtibi Lagoon)
Referenced only
EarthFerenginarGamma QuadrantGaultHoobishan BathsRomeThree Turn Bridge

Starships and vehicles

USS Leeds (Nebula-class explorer, in opening credits) • Janitza-class (in opening credits) • USS Rio Grande (Danube-class runabout)
Referenced only
USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort, also in opening credits)

Races and cultures

Referenced only

States and organizations

Bajoran MilitiaNew Essentialists MovementStarfleetUnited Federation of Planets
Referenced only
DominionKlingon High Council

Other references

agricultureairlockBajoran languagebatlhcabinchief facilitatordabodabo girlearthquakeFerengi languageFounding of the United Federation of PlanetsholosuiteHorga'hnhoverballicoberry juiceindustrial replicatorjamaharonjungleKlingon operalightningoceanPADDpar'Mach'kaiphaser riflepower cellprotostar clusterprune juiceraktajinoreplicatorreyamilkRite of Separationseismic regulatorsoccersolariumsnail juicespaceportstarStarfleet uniformStarfleet uniform (2366-2373)swampswimsuitTarkalean teatectonic stress regulatortricorderwaste disposal unitwaterfallweather modification network


Related media

Video releases


Notable cast and crew




published order
Previous episode:
Trials and Tribble-ations
DS9 episode produced Next episode:
Things Past
Previous episode:
Trials and Tribble-ations
DS9 episode aired Next episode:
Things Past
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Tribbles' Pagh
Pocket Next Adventure:
Future's End, Part 2

External links

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