Rahendervakell th'Shant was a Andorian thaan and a Starfleet Ensign and engineer who served aboard Deep Space 9 in the 2380s.
In 2383, Sarina Douglas claimed she overheard th'Shant talking to Ensign zh'Vesk about taking revenge on the Federation for withholding information on the Shedai meta-genome that could have been used to save the dying Andorian race. Douglas reported the information to Jefferson Blackmer, who asked th'Shant about the allegations. Th'Shant denied them entirely. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)
After Deep Space 9 was destroyed by renegade Typhon Pact forces and with revitrite explosives that were linked to the Andorian group Treishya, Julian Bashir discovered that th'Shant had placed the explosives in the fusion reactors that destroyed the station. Th'Shant later confessed to Bashir that his intent was only to have the station evacuated and did so because he was embittered at having been earlier accused of the crime and to assist the Typhon Pact. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Raise the Dawn)