Sector 003, also known as the Terra Nova sector, is an Alpha Quadrant sector of space that is located in the heart of the United Federation of Planets, according to Federation measurement standards and terminology in stellar cartography.
History and specifics
As the sector's common name indicates, this sector contains the planet Terra Nova and its Eta Cassiopeia star and system. The sector was bordered towards the galaxy's upper reaches by the Sigma Draconis sector. Towards the galaxy's core regions, sector 003 is bordered by the Tellar sector. Moving counter-clockwise around the galactic center, this sector is bordered by the Vulcan sector. (ST reference: Star Charts)
The USS Enterprise traversed sector 3 while performing a bench-marking survey in the 2260s. Shortly before stardate 7502.9, at 0739 hours, Enterprise observed in line-of-sight when Antares occulted Deneb, meaning the two brightest stars visible to their ship appeared to merge. As it wasn't an exciting mission, most of the Enterprise crew attended a viewing of the spectacle. (TOS novel: World Without End)
In 2381, the wreckage of four Andorian vessels carrying refugees of the Borg Invasion of that year was discovered in Sector 003 by the USS Enterprise. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
Alternate reality
In an alternate reality where the Klingons had declared war against the Federation due to its unwillingness to share the technology of the Genesis Device with the Klingon Empire, the Federation deployed a copy of the device on a planet in the Terra Nova Sector.
Although Dr. David Marcus had believed the device to be a failure due to the death and explosion of the Genesis Planet, its deployment in the Terra Nova Sector proved a success; Federation scientists theorized that the Mutara Nebula had had insufficient material for the creation and sustainment of the Genesis Planet. (Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight)
- It is not exactly clear where the newly terraformed planet existed in the Terra Nova Sector.