- For the mirror universe counterpart, see Trabar.
Trabus was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Delta Quadrant, the Trabe homeworld in orbit of the Trabe star system. (VOY episode: "Alliances")
Culture and civility were the order of the day on Trabus when Doctor Trakis was in his young adulthood in the early 24th century. This changed when the Kazon, who had been enslaved by the Trabe and lived in squalor, united under Jal Sankur and overthrew Trabe rule in the year 2346. The Trabe were forced from the planet and not allowed by the Kazon to resettle. (VOY episodes: "Alliances", "Maneuvers", VOY novel: Mosaic)
By 2372, the Kazon-Nistrim were the sect in control of Trabus. (ST reference: Star Charts)