
Zeta Volantis

Locator logo showing the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

Zeta Volantis was a star with an associated star system, located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)

History and specifics

Zeta Volantis was in the Romulan Star Empire's sphere of influence. When the politico Sela was exiled from Romulus, she and her fleet of loyalists travelled past the Beta Stromgren supernova into unexplored space in 2388. They made planetfall at

in 2391. Following the death of General Tebok, his ally General Velal met with Sela's forces in the Zeta Volantis system to plot the removal of Taris, Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire and suspect in the death of Tebok and the destruction of the

in 2399. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)



Stars, systems and objects of the Volans constellation
Alpha VolantisBeta VolantisDelta Volanis ClusterZeta Volantis


Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (Z)
Z-Micron IIIZaahmZabothZadarZadirZa'faranZalaraZaldonZamamZamordaZanbaZan'drethZaniahZannaduuZantakZantiZan'vadiZardanaZarkiamZarliozZarralZarsiolZarubanZarus ThustraZarziukZastellionZathrokZat'zekZau'rekZavadexZaxx'nZemicaZennaZedadexZed'pekZelaZeldaZelvaZemnaZemvoraZentarian systemZeon MinorZerliurZeronZerrakZersurZerzuxZeta-10 ScorpiiZeta AlphaZeta AntarasZeta CentauriZeta DoriZeta GeminorumZeta Hydra 281Zeta KiladenZeta LorisZeta MaximusZeta MinorisZeta NiobeZeta OrionisZeta PaorZeta RiguliZeta StentorZeta Tau NuZetarZetliZevarusZhamurZhraadZiakkZildiraZimordaZimraZindar system (ZindarZa'faran) • Zior'ivaraZipidexZirenZironZirvekZiti'taraZitronZivaraZnaporZol'varaZolronZonuZorgaZorkiamZornZornazZoronZorralZotorZova RhenZovoxZorziukZozalinZu DaraanZuconaZukeratZumunZuragaZurorZuynanZytchin Alphabetasym
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZaranZariaZenstalaZeta AquilaeZeta AurigaeZeta BoötisZeta HerculisZeta MicroscopiiZeta PerseusZeta SagittariiZeta Serpentis AlphaQuadrant
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZakdornZaurakZavijavaZeta CancriZeta EridaniZeta FornacisZeta LeonisZeta LeporisZeta PictorisZeta Reticuli (Zeta-2 Reticuli) • Zeta Trianguli AustralisZeta VolantisZibalZosmaZubenZubenhakrabi BetaQuadrant


  • w:Zeta Volantis is a binary star system with a K-class component approx. 141 light-years from Sol.
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