Wikimedia CEE Spring 2020/Timeline

General time line

  • Grant proposal (published on February 20th: Grants:Project/CEE Spring User Group/CEE Spring 2020)
  • 21 March – 31 May: Article Contest
  • 1 June – 31 July: Determination of the results and local prize ceremonies (if applicable)
  • July - October: Evaluation of the results, discussions at the CEE meeting in September (if happening this year)

Timeline of communities and topics by week


This timeline is subject to change depending on other communities joining. Feel free to pick one of the countries/regions or delve into the topic of the week! :-)

Week # Days Communities / Languages Themes
Week 1 21 March – 29 March Austria, Greece Medicine
Week 2 30 March – 5 April Hungary, Erzya Sports
Week 3 6 April – 12 April Slovenia, Russia, Bulgaria Economy
Week 4 13 April – 19 April Turkey, Malta, Azerbaijan Architecture
Week 5 20 April – 26 April Poland, Kazakhstan, Bashkortostan Nature
Week 6 27 April – 3 May Latvia, Serbia, Tatarstan Food
Week 7 4 May – 10 May Ukraine, Armenia, Albania History
Week 8 11 May - 17 May Esperanto, Croatia, Kosovo Education
Week 9 18 May – 24 May Estonia, Slovakia, North Macedonia Science
Week 10 25 May – 31 May Belarus, Romania and Moldova Culture
Idea 1
idea 1
languages 3
mac 1
Note 1
os 3