Wikimedia Foundation elections/2017/Results/ne

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2017/Results and the translation is 11% complete.
Info The election ended ११ जुन २०१७. No more votes will be accepted.
The results were announced on १९ जुन २०१७. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2017 election on the election's post mortem page.

FDC elections

These are the certified results of the 2017 Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) election for FDC members and FDC Ombudsperson. These results have been certified by the committee, Wikimedia Foundation's legal department, and the Board of Trustees.

There were 1028 votes cast, with 952 valid votes being cast. Of the votes cast, 76 were thrown away as the voter voted again, and 2 votes were struck.

The candidates with the most support are:

FDC members

FDC Ombudsperson

FDC members election results
Candidate Support Neutral Oppose Support Percentage S/(S+O)
Michał Buczyński – User:Aegis Maelstrom ३६५ ४६८ ११७ ७५.७३%
Lorenzo Losa – User:Laurentius ३४५ ४७६ १२९ ७२.७८%
Liam Wyatt – User:Wittylama ३४६ ४६९ १३५ ७१.९३%
Osmar Valdebenito – User:B1mbo ३१७ ५०४ १२९ ७१.०८%
Katherine Bavage – User:Leela0808 ३२७ ४८२ १४१ ६९.८७%
Chris Keating – User:The Land ३०१ ५१० १३९ ६८.४१%
Frank Schulenburg – User:Frank Schulenburg २७३ ५०१ १७६ ६०.८०%
Nurunnaby Chowdhury – User:Hasive २६२ ५१२ १७६ ५९.८२%
Viswanathan Prabhakaran – User:viswaprabha २५४ ५०७ १८९ ५७.३४%
Ad Huikeshoven – User:Ad Huikeshoven २०१ ५४५ २०४ ४९.६३%
Abel Lifaefi Mbula – User:BamLifa १५४ ५४९ २४७ ३८.४०%
FDC Ombudsperson election results
Candidate Support Neutral Oppose Support Percentage S/(S+O)
Kirill Lokshin – User:Kirill Lokshin ४३२ ४३६ ८२ ८४.०५%

Board elections

These are the certified results of the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. These results have been certified by the elections committee, the Wikimedia Foundation staff advisors to the committee, and the Board of Trustees.

There were 5581 votes cast, with 5120 of those being valid. The 461-vote difference comes from recast ballots, where eligible voters recast ballots to change their votes, and struck votes, of which there were 34. (Some of the recast votes were also struck.)

The candidates with the most support are:

विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन बोर्ड अफ ट्रस्टिज निर्वाचन नतीजा
उम्मेदवार समर्थन तटस्थ विरोध समर्थन प्रतिशत S/(S+O)
María Sefidari – User:Raystorm २,५५७ १,९९७ ५६६ ८१.८८%
Dariusz Jemielniak – User:Pundit २,३३२ २,२५५ ५३३ ८१.४०%
James Heilman – User:Doc James २,४३५ २,१०५ ५८० ८०.७६%
Chris Keating – User:The Land २,००२ २,५३० ५८८ ७७.३०%
Peter Gallert – User:Pgallert १,८१० २,७२६ ५८४ ७५.६१%
Yuri Astrakhan – User:Yurik १,७३६ २,६४८ ७३६ ७०.२३%
Milos Rancic – User:Millosh १,६४६ २,५९८ ८७६ ६५.२७%
Abbad Diraneyya – User:عباد ديرانية १,४३६ २,७४८ ९३६ ६०.५४%
Abel Lifaefi Mbula – User:BamLifa १,४६५ २,६०५ १,०५० ५८.२५%
Note 1