Wikimedia Hong Kong/臨時理事會

Provisional Directory


According to article 4.16, the Articles of Association of Wikimedia Hong Kong Limited, the subscribers of the association had been assembled on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 AD as the members of the Provisional Directory.


According to the the Articles of Association, in such Provisional Directory, there shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and 2 directors, who were confirmed in the meeting mentioned above.

支持我們 ※ Support us
成為會員 Membership
會員費 ※ Membership Fee
Notes for Membership Applicants
捐款 ※ Donation
概覽 ※ Overview
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association
代表會附例 ※ Bylaws of the Council
理事會附例 ※ Bylaws of the Directory
會議規則 ※ Meeting Regulations
2014年會章修訂議案 ※ Constitution Amendments Bill 2014

組織 ※ Organization

中文 English
  • 主席:
  • President
Yu Jeromy CHAN
  • 秘書:
  • Secretary
Wing Fung SIU
  • 財政:
  • Treasurer
Chi Wai Terence YUEN
  • 理事:
  • Directors
Yu Hin LAI
張智峰 Chi Fung CHEUNG

最新動態 ※ News

  • 協會註冊的文件已於2007年7月23日送交公司註冊處
The registration documents were submitted to the Company Registry on 23-Jul-2007.

會議議程及記錄 ※ the Meetings

The 1st meeting of the PD was assembled at 16:00 HKT (UTC+8), on July 21st, 2007, in Room B5-308, City University of Hong Kong.
The 2nd meeting of the PD was assembled at 19:00 HKT (UTC+8) on August 29th, 2007, in Room B5-307, City University of Hong Kong.
The 3rd meeting of the PD was assembled at 19:00 HKT (UTC+8) on September 12th, 2007, in Room G5-314, City University of Hong Kong.
The 4th meeting of the PD was assembled at 19:00 HKT (UTC+8) on September 29th, 2007, in Room Y5-305, City University of Hong Kong.
  • 第五次會議已於2007年10月14日14時在尖沙咀香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 5th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:00 HKT (UTC+8) on October 14th, 2007, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 第六次會議已於2007年10月28日14時在尖沙咀香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 6th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:00 HKT (UTC+8) on October 28th, 2007, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 第七次會議已於2007年12月22日下午2時正在尖沙咀香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 7th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:00 HKT (UTC+8) on December 22nd, 2007, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre,Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 第八次會議已於2008年1月23日下午7時正在香港藝術中心4樓召開。
The 8th meeting of the PD was assembled at 19:00 HKT (UTC+8) on January 23rd, 2008, in 4th floor, Hong Kong Arts centre.
  • 第九次會議已於2008年3月9日下午2時30時在尖沙咀香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 9th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:30 HKT (UTC+8) on March 9th, 2008, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre,Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 第十次會議已於2008年5月10日下午3時在香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 10th meeting of the PD was assembled at 15:00 HKT (UTC+8) on May 10th, 2008, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre.
  • 第十一次會議已於2008年5月31日下午3時正在香港文物探知館中庭召開。
The 11th meeting of the PD was assembled at 15:00 HKT (UTC+8) on May 31th, 2008, in Atrium of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre.
The 12th meeting of the PD was assembled at 15:00 HKT (UTC+8) on June 24th, 2008, in The Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre.
The 13th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:00 HKT (UTC+8) on July 30th, 2008, in The Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre.
The 14th meeting of the PD was assembled at 17:00 HKT (UTC+8) on August 11th, 2008, in Pacific Coffee, Festival Walk.
The 15th meeting of the PD was assembled at 14:00 HKT (UTC+8) on September 7th, 2008, in Room G5-217, City University of Hong Kong.
The 16th meeting of the PD will be held at 15:00 HKT (UTC+8) on October 7th, 2008, in City University of Hong Kong
The 17th meeting of the PD will be held at 19:30 HKT (UTC+8) on November 21st, 2008, in City University of Hong Kong
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