Can we highlight the activities participants are doing? Yes, but how can we get people interested in getting their activities advertised when it is already hard to get them to advertise it in the newsletter?
Should we start a LinkedIn account? It is an interesting thought, it is a very different _target group. Who would like to help manage an account there?
What SDG-related sessions have you submitted for Wikimania 2023?
Action: Make overview page on Wikimania wiki, like the one we had 2021 (Ainali)
Any other business
Idea: We could have an introduction meeting about the Sustainable Development Goals aimed towards members of the group. This could _target people who are knowledgeable about the Sustainable Development Goals but who don't know much how they could be integrated in Wikimedia activities, and experienced Wikimedians who don't know much about the Sustainable Development Goals yet.
Idea: We could make the landing page on meta easier for new participants. Today, it is a wall of text and no clear path on how to get active in the user group. Can we be inspired by WikiProject Climate Change on English Wikipedia and their list of small tasks?