
Recursos removidos da Edição Java

Esse artigo fala sobre os recursos removidos da Edição Java. Para os recursos removidos da Edição Bedrock, veja Recursos removidos da Edição Bedrock.
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Esse recurso costumava estar no jogo, mas foi removido

Desde o começo do desenvolvimento da Edição Java, houve uma série de recursos que já foram removidos do jogo. Esses recursos podem ter sido substituídos ou o desenvolvedor decidiu ir contra o recurso mais tarde.

Nota: Essa página documenta apenas os recursos que foram removidos; as características de um elemento do jogo que foram removidas são notadas no histórico daquele elemento. Veja Recursos não utilizados da Edição Java para os recursos que ainda estão no jogo.



Artigo principal: Itens removidos da Edição Java


Artigo principal: Receitas removidas da Edição Java

Recursos do jogador

Estatísticas do jogador

As estatísticas removidas do jogador.

Em uma versão inicial Indev, o jogador podia abrir a tela de inventário e ver seu nome e três estatísticas: "ATK", "DEF" e "SPD". Elas existiram apenas brevemente; quando questionadas, Notch declarou que ele não podia lembrar exatamente o porquê elas foram implementadas e foram subsequentemente removidas, ele assumiu que era apenas um substituto para "planos vagos".[1]

Mudanças no inventário

Uma reescrita no inventário foi originalmente parcialmente implementada na snapshot 14w07a, mas ela foi revertida antes do lançamento da 1.8.[mais informações necessárias][2]

Antiga animação de morte do jogador no multijogador

Antes da 1.6.1, na morte do jogador durante o multijogador, o jogador permaneceria em pé, saltava um pouco e então desaparecia. Na 1.6.1, essa animação foi substituída pela queda do jogador para o lado e então o desaparecimento.

Notch larga uma maçã

Antes da Beta 1.8, um jogador nomeado Notch largava uma maçã após a morte.

Número da versão na tela

Numerical Display
Exibição da versão númerica no topo esquerdo da tela (Edição Java Beta 1.6 Test Build 3).
Exclusive All Text Display
Exibição da versão em texto no topo esquerdo da tela (PC Gamer Demo).

A partir da Classic 0.0.2a, todas as versões subsequentes até a RC2 tinham um texto exibido no canto superior esquerdo da tela que exibia a versão. As versões entre a Beta 1.6.4 e Beta 1.7.3 não haviam esse texto. Da Classic 0.0.2a à Indev 0.31 20100205, apenas o número da versão era exibido, mas após a Indev ele foi alterado de "0.31" para "Minecraft Indev" (Indev 20100206), a palavra "Minecraft" era mostrada antes do número da versão. No estágio de desenvolvimento Alpha, o texto era "Minecraft Alpha v#.#.#(_#)." No estágio de desenvolvimento Beta, o texto era "Minecraft Beta #.#(_#).", Esse recurso foi removido apenas parcialmente, pois, entre outras coisas, o número da versão agora pode ser exibido abrindo a tela de depuração durante o jogo. Antes da Alpha v1.2.2, o número de versão não era exibido na tela de menu principal.

Mensagem "Cópia não licenciada"

Unlicenced Copy
A mensagem "Cópia não licenciada" no canto superior esquerdo da tela (Edição Java Beta 1.7.3).

No estágio de desenvolvimento Beta do Minecraft, uma mensagem dizendo "Minecraft Beta #.#.#(_0#) Cópia não licensiada :( (Ou logada em outro local). Compre na" era mostrada. Essa mensagem só podia ser vista em versões entre a Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 e Beta 1.7.3, comprovada por um editor de bytecode. O bytecode para a mensagem foi removido na Beta 1.8.


As conquistas estavam disponíveis entre a Beta 1.5 e a 1.12 (snapshot 17w06a). Elas foram recemente substituídas pelos progressos, embora outras edições além da Edição Java ainda tenham conquistas.

Antiga animação de caminhada de jogadores

Da pre-Classic à Alpha v1.0.9, a animação de caminhada do jogador e da criatura "humano" era diferente; o jogador e a criatura "humano" balançavam seus braços descontroladamente para os lados ao caminhar, como desenhos animados.

Itens no inventário

Esse artigo é um trabalho em andamento. 
Por favor, ajude na criação desse artigo ao expandir ou melhorar isso. A página de discussão pode conter sugestões.

Diferentes versões na história do Minecraft tinham itens pré-existentes no inventário do jogador. Abaixo está uma tabela:

Versões Bloco Quantidade Nº do espaço do inventário Obtível?
Primeira Última
0.26st 0.30-s TNT JE1 10 8 Não
in-1223-1 in-1223-2 Smooth Stone Slab JE1 BE1 99 5 Não
Stone JE2 BE1 99 6 Não
Swamp Water JE2 99 7 Não
Lava BE2 99 8 Não
in-1231-2 TNT JE1 99 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 99 8 Não
in-104 in-107 Torch JE2 99 6 Não
TNT JE1 99 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 99 8 Não
in-109 Fire 1 (texture) JE2-a2 99 5 Não
Torch JE2 99 6 Não
TNT JE1 99 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 99 8 Não
in-110 in-113 Iron Shovel JE1 1 0 Não
Iron Pickaxe JE1 1 1 Não
Iron Axe JE1 1 2 Não
Flint and Steel JE1 1 3 Não
White Wool JE1 BE1 99 4 Não
Glass JE3 BE1 99 5 Não
Torch JE2 99 6 Não
TNT JE2 BE1 99 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 99 8 Não
Apple JE1 BE1 99 9 Não
in-114 Iron Shovel JE1 1 0 Não
Iron Pickaxe JE1 1 1 Não
Iron Axe JE1 1 2 Não
Flint and Steel JE1 1 3 Não
White Wool JE1 BE1 99 4 Não
Glass JE3 BE1 99 5 Não
Torch JE2 99 6 Não
TNT JE2 BE1 99 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 99 8 Não
Apple JE1 BE1 99 9 Não
Water Spawner 99 10 Não
in-122 Iron Shovel JE1 1 0 Não
Iron Pickaxe JE1 1 1 Não
Iron Axe JE2 1 2 Não
Flint and Steel JE1 1 3 Não
White Wool JE1 BE1 50 4 Não
Glass JE3 BE1 50 5 Não
Torch JE2 50 6 Não
TNT JE2 BE1 50 7 Não
Bookshelf JE1 50 8 Não
Apple JE1 BE1 50 9 Não
Water Spawner 5 10 Não
Lava Spawner 5 11 Não
Bow JE1 1 12 ? Não
Arrow (item) JE1 BE1 50 13 ? Não
in-129 in-130 Flint and Steel JE1 1 8 Não
inf-227-1 inf-227-2 Glass JE3 BE1 999 0 Não
Oak Planks JE3 BE1 990 1 Não
inf-313 Glass JE3 BE1 999 0 Não
Oak Planks JE3 BE1 999 1 Não
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 999 2 Não
Flint and Steel JE2 999 3 Não
Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1 999 4 Não
Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1 999 5 Não
Lava BE2 999 7 Não
Swamp Water JE2 999 8 Não
inf-316 Diamond Axe JE1 BE1 999 0 Não
Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1 999 1 Não
Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1 999 2 Não
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 999 3 Não
Flint and Steel JE2 999 4 Não
Oak Planks JE3 BE1 999 5 Não
Glass JE3 BE1 999 6 Não
Bow JE2 BE1 999 7 Sim
Arrow (item) JE1 BE1 999 8 Sim
inf-320 inf-325 Diamond Axe JE1 BE1 64 0 Sim
Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1 64 1 Sim
Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1 64 2 Sim
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 64 3 Sim
Flint and Steel JE2 64 4 Sim ?
TNT JE2 BE1 64 5 Sim
Glass JE3 BE1 64 6 Sim ?
Bow JE2 BE1 64 7 Sim
Arrow (item) JE1 BE1 64 8 Sim
Alpha 1.0.17 Fence item 64 0 Sim
Beta 1.3-1 Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 64 0 Sim
Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1 64 1 Sim
Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1 64 2 Sim
Diamond Axe JE1 BE1 64 3 Sim
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1 1 4 Sim
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1 63 5 Sim
b 1.9 pre3-1 b 1.9 pre3-2 Enchanting Table JE1 BE1 64 0 Sim
Bookshelf JE2 BE1 64 1 Sim
Filled End Portal Frame JE1 64 2 Sim
End Portal (cube) (inventory) JE1 64 3 Não

Anomalias em longas distâncias

Várias mecânicas do jogo quebravam de maneiras estranhas à grandes distâncias da origem do mundo. A vasta maioria desses efeitos foram corrigidos, ou pelo menos minimizados, em versões atuais.

Limites rígidos

Artigo principal: Limites rígidos da Edição Java

Para elementos do jogo que são alinhados por inteiros, como as posições de blocos, a Edição Java usa tipos de dados por inteiros, que podem ser 32 bits ou 64 bits. Os inteiros 32 bits são usados mais comumente em versões antigas, que permitem 4.294.967.296 valores inteiros distintos possíveis, de -2.147.483.648 a 2.147.483.647. Exceder essas limitações, com um editor externo movendo um jogador para 2.147.483.647 blocos da origem força o jogo a carregar blocos após essa posição, geralmente resultando em grandes erros e travamentos que quebram o jogo.

O acesso dessas regiões agora é muito mais difícil que antes, visto que a distância agora é muito mais restritiva, exigindo modificações no jogo para permitir que esses limites sejam expostos.

Imprecisão na vírgula flutuante

Para elementos do jogo que não são alinhados pro inteiros, como a posição de entidades, a Edição Java usa valores 64 bits de vírgulas flutuantes (ou "double") para a aritmética e o armazenamento de variáveis relevantes. No entanto, há casos estranhos em que um valor 32 bits de vírgulas flutuantes é ao em vez disso usado. Esses casos são raros no jogo atual (uma lista desses casos que ainda existem na versão atual pode ser encontrado em Efeitos de distância da Edição Java), mas em versões antigas do jogo valores 32 bits eram usados (ou projetados de e para eles, resultando na perda de dados que podia ser facilmente evitada sem essa projetagem sem sentido) muito mais fortemente, resultando na abundância de erros estranhos no jogo que estavam ligados a quão longe o jogador estava do centro do mundo, ficando duas vezes mais intenso a cada potência inteira de 2 blocos que o jogador ia do centro.

World rendering precision loss
O erro de perda de precisão da visualização, um dos erros de vírgula flutuante mais famosos.

Um dos erros de perda de precisão mais notáveis era quando a visualização do mundo parava de ser precisa dependendo da posição do jogador. Comumente experienciados juntamente (e frequentemente, e incorretamente, culpados pelo) ao fenômeno conhecido como Far Lands, a posição em que os blocos eram visualizados não correspondia com a posição de entidades e outros elementos do mundo como as caixas de colisão de blocos. Após os 8.388.608 blocos, o jogo assumia que o jogador estava em pé na borda ou canto de cada bloco, e os blocos eram sempre visualizados no mundo como se o jogador estivesse em um desses cantos. O efeito é difícil de ser descrito em texto e é melhor experienciado em primeira mão.

A maioria dos outros problemas em relação à imprecisão da vírgula flutuante são relacionados à criação de partículas, geração de entidades, e (antes de sua uniformização na 1.8 com arquivos json, que corrigiam todos esses permanentemente) a distorção geométrica de modelos de bloco.

Uma lista dos erros corrigidos desde então, além das divisões de seus processos, pode ser encontrada em Efeitos de distância da Edição Java#Histórico.

Efeitos de limite

Artigo principal: Limite do mundo

Os efeitos de limite referem-se a esquisitices que ocorrem devido a limites numéricos codificados no jogo, como a barreira à 30 milhões de blocos (em oposição aos limites rígidos, que são definidos pela linguagem de programação e/ou arquitetura do computador em vez do código do jogo).

O limite do mundo atual é uma "parede falsa" que existe à 30 milhões de blocos da origem, um chunk além da barreira do mundo. (Ela é definida como uma "parede falsa" ao em vez de uma parede verdadeira porque ao em vez de ser sólida e impedir a passagem como a barreira do mundo ou um bloco sólido, a posição do jogador é definida para 30 milhões pelo jogo se o jogador tentar ultrapassá-la, isso pode ser visto pelo fato da animação de caminhada, os sons de passos e o balanço de visão ainda ocorrem ao caminhar na parede, assim como os sons de voo com élitros).

No entanto, as versões anteriores tinham efeitos muito estranhos à grandes distâncias. O limite do mundo era algo comumente experienciado no Classic e no Indev devido aos mundos serem pequenos por design. As primeiras versões do Indev, que acabou com esses limites, portanto, não teve esses efeitos, expondo os limites rígidos existentes do jogo (embora experimentá-los fosse efetivamente impossível devido a erros de vírgula flutuante que tornavam o jogo injogável muito antes).

A versão do Indev lançada em 13 de maio de 2010 reimplementou um limite à 32 milhões de blocos, provavelmente para impedir o acesso à Far Lands (ou terras distantes em português) relativamente nova na época, que existia em pouco mais de 33 milhões de blocos. Este limite era consideravelmente diferente e tinha mais erros que os limites do Indev, no entanto isso já era de se esperar devido a ser impossível de ser atingido legitimamente. Após esse limite de 32 milhões, nenhum bloco existia mais, dando lugar a um vazio. Quando grandes mudanças foram feitas na geração de mundo a Far Lands foi trazida para muito mais perto da origem do mundo, no entanto, o limite do mundo ainda permaneceu em 32 milhões, significando que a Far Lands era completamente possível de ser alcançada sem modificar o jogo.

Olhando para o mundo além do limite de 32 milhões.

A atualização de blocos próximos a esse vazio faria com que o jogo congelasse devido ao cálculo de uma imensa quantidade de atualizações de iluminação. Esse vazio ainda podiz ser atravessado por entidades normalmente até a snapshot de 13 de abril, em que as entidades que fossem renderizadas nela ficariam presas no lugar e tremiam eternamente. Isso foi corrigido posteriormente em uma versão desconhecida.

Na Alpha v1.2.0, os efeitos de limite ficaram mais estranhos que antes. Embora anteriormente nenhum bloco fosse renderizado além desse ponto, a partir da Alpha v1.2.0 um fenômeno estranho ocorria em que os chunks pareciam ser gerados, mas seriam intocáveis, pareciam totalmente iluminados e recursos gerados, como árvores e minérios, não seriam gerados nesses chunks.

Fake chunks ocean
The corner of the world in 1.0.0. The dark quadrant is real, and fully lit quadrants are "fake".

Por motivos desconhecidos até hoje, a Beta 1.8 reduziu a barreira do mundo de 32 milhões de blocos para apenas 30 milhões de blocos. Embora os efeitos se mantessem iguais, com blocos além da barreira de 30 milhões de blocos tendo uma aparência totalmente iluminada e ignorando a colisão e a geração de recursos, estes chunks falsos seriam gerados apenas a uma pequena distância para fora deste limite, parando em 30.000.064, ou quatro chunks partir do limite. Além disso, qualquer entidade que tentasse ultrapassar 30.000.032 ficaria presa novamente em um estado de paralisia, com os jogadores especialmente tendo suas cabeças girando de forma não natural, se olhassem ao redor depois deste ponto (um erro que foi corrigido na 12w03a, onde a direção para qual o jogador está olhando não mudaria mais, impedindo esta rotação não natural)

Com a divisão entre o cliente e servidor na snapshot 12w18a da versão 1.3 (uma mudança que quebrou muitas outras coisas do jogo), o bug de paralisia foi realmente corrigido, e chunks falsos começaram ser gerados além do ponto 30.000.064, permitindo que o jogador continuasse voando além do limite até 32.000.000 blocos, onde seriam expulsos do jogo por estarem em uma posição irregular, revelando que nem todos os elementos do limite de 32.000.000 blocos tinham sido removidos do jogo ainda. 12w27a, uma snapshot posterior para a 1.3, impediria que as posições dos portais do Nether ficassem dentro do limite de 30 milhões de blocos.

A 1.7 e 1.8 começaram a fazer grandes mudanças na barreira do mundo para trazê-la a seu estado moderno. A 1.7 primeiro fez com que todos os blocos além de 30 milhões fossem completamente sólidos, incluindo o ar. No entanto, essa parede ainda podia ser ultrapassada voando sobre ela, pois só se estendia até o limite de 32 bits no eixo Y, permitindo que os 32 milhões de blocos fossem alcançados novamente e o travamento de posição irregular fosse acionado. O limite tornou-se mais instável de versão para versão ao longo do desenvolvimento do 1.8, com o resultado final de seu lançamento sendo que chunks além dos 30 milhões de blocos não fossem mais renderizados e que teletransportar para mais de 30 milhões de blocos travasse o jogo. A 1.9 permitiria que chunks além de 30 milhões de blocos fossem renderizados novamente, e impediria o teletransporte para mais de 30 milhões de blocos. Pouco mudou sobre a barreira do mundo entre este ponto e a 1.18.

Far Lands

Artigo principal: Far Lands (Edição Java)

Teoria básica

As Far Lands eram um fenômeno complexo de terreno que surgiu devido a um grande erro no funcionamento da geração de terreno. Geralmente, as "far lands" são o resultado do que acontece quando um determinado gerador de ruído excede o maior valor que ele pode suportar, resultando em um "overflow de inteiros" e resultando em valores gerados que atingem proporções anormais. O termo "Far Lands", isoladamente, geralmente refere-se ao resultado do "baixo ruído" e do "alto ruído" causando um overflow simultaneamente.

O que a Far Lands não é

Far Lands/What the Far Lands are not

Far Lands

Corner Far Lands
The "corner" of the Far Lands, at ±12,550,821 on both X and Z axes, creating the corner far lands.

In their most well-known iteration, the which would extend from the lowest point of the world to the very top. This wall

The Far Lands manifested as a sort of "wall" which would extend from the lowest point of the world to the very top. This wall contained a series of holes in it, with these holes reaching back almost infinitely, with only minor changes even after millions of blocks. The density of a cross-section of this wall was roughly 50%, with solid portions and hollow portions being around equal. Given their positions at the four sides of a world, there regions are often referred to as the "Edge Far Lands" when distinction from other regions of a world is necessary, and, due to their "Swiss cheese"-like formation, informally as "The Loop".

Since the Far Lands existed on both the X and Z axes, it is entirely possible for them to "intersect" each other when surpassing their starting point on both axes. The resulting terrain, named the "Corner Far Lands" in analogy to the vertices of a square, is markedly different from that of the edge regions: the world appears to be solid layers of terrain arranged on top of each other with air gaps in between. Due to this distinctive morphology, the Corner Far Lands are also informally referred to as "The Stack". The terrain seen in these regions is comparable to that which is seen in the Nether. Often, major diagonal or oblique patterns can be seen within the generated terrain, which, if they exist, are especially obvious at the beginning of the corner Far Lands.

In the unmodified game, only four sets each of the edge and corner Far Lands can exist in a world, from the noise overflowing on the X and Z axes. However, game modifications can modify aspects of either chunk saving or terrain generation in ways that ultimately allows for noise to overflow on the Y axis as well. Such modifications reveal two more sets of Edge Far Lands for a total of six sets (corresponding to the faces of a cube), eight sets of Corner Far Lands from these Y axis Edge Far Lands intersecting X and Z axis Edge Far Lands for a total of twelve sets (corresponding to the edges of a cube), and new regions in which all three axes simultaneously overflow due to Y axis Edge Far Lands intersecting the existing Corner Far Lands, with eight of these regions in total (corresponding to the vertices of a cube). These regions, referred to as the "Vertex Far Lands", are incredibly unstable; sometimes these regions are completely solid, other times are completely empty, and other times still feature incredibly strange terrain atypical of even "The Loop" or "The Stack".

With default settings, the noise would overflow at twice the distance on the Y axis as it does on the X and Z axes, at around 25,101,640 blocks.

Farther Lands

Edge farlands turning into farther lands
The Edge Far Lands are on the right, with the comparatively featureless Edge Farther Lands on the right.

The Farther Lands is the name given to another noise overflow which, by default, happens at a greater distance then the normal Far Lands. Whereas the usual Far Lands arise from the overflowing of "low noise" and "high noise", the Farther Lands sees "selector noise" break down instead. Low noise and high noise are two different noise generators which the game uses to generate the potential fundamental shape of terrain, whereas selector noise chooses whether low noise or high noise is used to actually generate the terrain at that given point. When the conventional Far Lands start, despite both low noise and high noise overflowing simultaneously, selector noise still functions normally, meaning that there is still a large amount of possible variation in the shape of the Far Lands.

When selector noise does eventually break, which happens at roughly 1,004,065,920 blocks from the world origin, it follows that the variation between low and high noise also breaks down. Like how the usual Far Lands is a series of straight tunnels, the Farther Lands divides the world into a series of straight regions, with low noise used exclusively in one region and high noise in others. As such, the variation usually seen in the Far Lands vanishes after the Farther Lands.

The Corner Farther Lands take this effect to an extreme: while the normal Corner Far Lands are rich in nuance, the Corner Farther Lands are almost devoid of it. The beginning of the corner makes this all the more obvious, and also highlights edge Farther Lands-corner Far Lands intersections, making the aforementioned straight line regions clear to see.

Antes da inf-20100327

Overflowing old noise
The stone wall at 33,554,432 blocks from the origin in inf-20100227-2. In this case, it appears ridged.

Terrain generation was much simpler in versions before March 27, 2010. While in modern versions, the noise generator used for terrain is 3D, earlier versions used a purely 2D noise generator for the world instead. The resulting terrain was much more cliff-based as a result, and overhangs were an impossibility. In addition, noise incremented much slower than the modern noise generator does, resulting in it overflowing at 33,554,432 blocks out (coincidentally a power of 2).

Rather than featuring a series of holes, this noise generator instead created a huge, featureless wall as it broke, as the purely 2D nature of the noise forbids any overhangs from generating. This wall is completely solid stone and extends infinitely outwards when it starts. Occasionally, the faces of this wall may appear ridged like a radiator or heat sink, resulting in a slightly more gradual transformation of the terrain.

Investigações adicionais

While largely removed as of Beta 1.8, simple modifications to the game can effectively reintroduce them, in which case they behave effectively identically to how they did before, but much more stable due to the fixing of the vast majority of high-distance precision loss effects in earlier versions which caused lag and hindered movement. In addition, several aspects of the Far Lands persisted into later versions:

  • The Far Lands also existed on the y-axis at twice the distance as they did on the x-axis. While obviously unobservable due to blocks not being able to exist at all outside of a certain height range, abuse of the Old Customized world type in which the height scale is increased to absurd values could allow for the positive Y-axis Far Lands, or "Sky Far Lands", to generate within vanilla bounds without modding.
  • Beta 1.8 fixed the Far Lands by adding code to the noise generator to have it repeat after a certain amount of units. It is possible to have the amount of times the generator repeats to itself overflow, although the effects of this are not possible to see in vanilla worlds (it would only break down after almost 54 quadrillion blocks). However, further exploitation of Old Customized to set the coordinate scale to even more ludicrous values will bring this overflow point into vanilla bounds once more. As setting it to values like these causes normal terrain to become incredibly chaotic, the point at where it breaks is difficult to see.
    • For low and high noise, these overflowed regions are called the Fartherer Lands, and for selector noise, the Farthest Lands.

Modding has allowed for y-axis Far and Farther Lands, the Fartherer and Farthest Lands, and 64-bit versions of the Far and Farther Lands (distinct from the Fartherer and Farthest Lands in while they appear at the same locations as them, they result from 64-bit noise breaking normally rather than the modulo that prevents 32-bit noise from breaking itself breaking) to be seen in their natural habitats.

Estruturas geradas

Pirâmide de tijolos

Artigo principal: Pirâmide de tijolos

As pirâmides de tijolos eram estruturas altas experimentais feitas exclusivamente de tijolos. Elas foram adicionadas na Edição Java Infdev 20100227-1 e foram removidas do jogo na Infdev 20100327.

Elas eram inteiramente compostas de tijolos - as pirâmides não tinham salas dentro, no entanto, cavernas poderiam ser geradas através delas na versão de 25 de março devido às cavernas serem capazes de serem geradas através de quaisquer blocos na época (incluindo árvores e outras estruturas que elas não deveriam ser capazes).

Elas foram muito provavelmente destinadas a testar a geração de estruturas em mundos infinitos. Já que blocos não largavam itens no início da Infdev devido ao código de entidades estar sendo retrabalhado, os blocos de tijolos não podiam ser coletados de pirâmides durante a maior parte da sua existência.

Casa da Indev

Artigo principal: Casa da Indev

A casa da Indev era uma construção que era gerada no centro de mapas Indev. O jogador nasceria dentro dessa casa quando o mundo era gerado pela primeira vez.

Esta estrutura foi adicionada na versão de 24 de janeiro, e era inicialmente composta de pedregulho musgoso, com duas tochas dentro. A casa da Indev foi retrabalhada na primeira versão de 14 de fevereiro, possuindo um piso de pedra e muros feitos de tábuas de carvalho.

As primeiras versões do Indev House continham uma série de baús, que abrigariam quase todos os blocos e itens de todo o jogo naquele momento. Estes baús passaram por uma série de mudanças, antes de serem retirados da casa inteiramente em versões posteriores.

A casa da Indev foi removida no início da Infdev devido à geração do terreno ser refeita para acomodar mundos infinitos, abandonando os mundos limitados da Indev e mais antigos.

Parede de obsidiana

Artigo principal: Parede de obsidiana

Nas primeiras versões da Infdev, duas paredes de obsidiana eram geradas no mundo a fim de marcar as direções ortogonais. Uma destas paredes apareceria onde o eixo X estava em 0, e outra onde o eixo Z estava em 0. O jogador nasceria no ponto em que estas duas paredes se interceptassem.

Como ocorria com as pirâmides de tijolos, elas eram um recurso de depuração e não foram implementadas como uma fonte de obsidiana para os jogadores devido à incapacidade dos blocos largarem itens no momento.

Estas paredes parariam de ser geradas a partir da versão Infdev de 13 de março de 2010.


Artigo principal: Monólito

Os monólitos eram um erro de terreno que existia desde o final do Infdev até o final do Alpha. Ocorrendo quando os geradores de ruído que lidavam com o formato do terreno resultavam em valores específicos, estas estruturas consistiriam em que o terreno fosse "invertido" em uma determinada região do espaço. Externamente, elas se pareciam com penhascos de pura pedra que atingiam o topo do mundo. Minério e aglomerados de sedimentos poderiam ser vistos sendo gerados nas laterais dos monólitos, assim como fontes de água e lava. Um exame mais aprofundado desta estrutura revela que a área embaixo destes monólitos está completamente vazia até as camadas de rocha-mãe, provando ainda mais que o terreno está "invertido", já que as regiões de ar e as regiões sólidas trocaram completamente de lugar. Água seria gerada neste espaço vazio abaixo dos monólitos, pois o jogo consideraria qualquer espaço de ar abaixo de um determinado ponto que não pertencesse a uma caverna ou outra estrutura como um "oceano", e o preencheria com água em conformidade.

Devido às seções "invertidas" do terreno, é extremamente provável que os monólitos fossem gerados infinitamente (ou pelo menos até as Far Lands verticais) se lhes fosse dado espaço suficiente. Devido ao alcance de suas versões, eles eram limitados a 128 blocos. Os monólitos também poderiam abranger completamente regiões de terreno normal - quando vistos de baixo, estes apareceriam como puros penhascos, como todos os terrenos não monólitos.

Monólitos vieram com a versão de 11 de junho de 2010 da Infdev, que reformulou o terreno uma terceira vez no período de desenvolvimento da Infdev, eles continuaram até a Alpha v1.1.2_01. A Alpha v1.2.0 refez a geração de mundo mais uma vez, de modo que fossem utilizados geradores de ruído completamente diferentes para o terreno, que já não tinham mais potencial para causar estes erros. Entretanto, apesar disto, mundos personalizados antigos ainda eram capazes de gerar monólitos ao definir um valor negativo de "peso do bioma"[3] da snapshot 14w17a da 1.8 até a snapshot 18w05a da 1.13, mas com a remoção do tipo de mundo "Personalizado" totalmente na snapshot 18w06a da 1.13, isto não pode mais ser recriado. Monólitos podem ser gerados novamente em versões posteriores a 1.16 utilizando mundos personalizados.{[verificar]

Árvore substituta

Artigo principal: Árvore

There are several cases in the game in which unique species of tree use the logs and leaves primarily associated with other trees. Two prominent examples are pine trees, which use spruce logs and leaves, and swamp trees, which use oak logs and leaves, rather than either of these having dedicated blocks. As a result of this, they cannot be grown from saplings, and can only be encountered when generating new chunks.

In Edição Java 1.7.2's development, when biomes were being added to the game, two trees were added to the then-new biomes which also reused the logs and leaves of existing trees. However, these were a temporary measure, as later in development, they were given logs and leaves of their own, alongside saplings, planks and further wood products.

Specifically, these were the acacia tree, and the dark oak tree. The acacia tree reused jungle logs and oak leaves, and dark oak trees used spruce logs and oak leaves.

Aspectos de vilas

Villages have seen multiple changes in generation since their introduction. Due to these changes, some may consider villages which generated in previous versions, or at least certain buildings within them, as "removed" structures.

Vila antiga

Artigo principal: Vila/Estruturas (antigo)

Old villages and old zombie villages could generate in plains, savanna, taiga, ice flats, and desert biomes. The type of village, and therefore the style of all structures within it, was determined by the biome where the village well was located. All village biome variants were essentially palette swaps of each other, with the exception of one house in the old ice flats village, which would generate with randomized crop items such as carrots and beetroots. The "old villages" were not known as such until the Village & Pillage update.

Caminhos de cascalho

Artigos principais: Vila § Caminhos e Vila/Estruturas (antigo)

Before 1.10, villages used gravel with cobblestone underneath to signify roads; however, in 1.10, grass paths were added to signify village roads. However, grass paths sensibly were only generated where they replaced grass blocks, and gravel paths still existed until Village & Pillage update, when the jigsaw system broke it.[4]

Vila da savana

Artigo principal: Vila

Prior to 1.10, villages that would generate in savanna biomes used oak logs, oak planks, oak fences and oak stairs. This village type was replaced by villages made out of acacia derived blocks.

Pilares de vidro

Glass pillars were added in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3. They were used to mark the location of strongholds, as the eye of ender did not lead to strongholds yet. One pillar extended from the main entrance and another from the portal room. They went all the way up to the build limit. This was because Jeb forgot to remove the debug pillars before releasing the version publicly. They were removed in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4, due to eyes of ender being able to lead players to the stronghold portal room.

Configurações do mapa

Personalização das nuvens

The color and height of clouds could be changed in Indev, however this functionality was removed in Infdev. Unlike many other things now customizable in Java Edition via custom world generation, this is yet to see a return.

Captura de tela isométrica

Isometric screenshot
An isometric screenshot.
Isometric screenshot bug
An isometric screenshot displaying the bug of not capturing chunks, which are not in the player's FOV.

In the Indev versions of Minecraft, players could take a screenshot of the map from an isometric perspective using F7. When the game captured an isometric image, it would save the current location of all mobs and show any and all alterations to the map the player had made that would be visible from the perspective of the sun (at sunrise). The player would not be visible unless the player was in third-person view before taking the isometric screenshot.

The isometric screenshot would save to their local user folder as "mc_map_####.png" where #### represents the number of the screenshot starting at 0000 up to 9999.

There are some limitations that existed with the screenshots:

  • They could capture the player's sprite only when in third-person view.
  • Due to a glitch, the screenshot would render only those blocks that are in the player's FOV, and everything else is either black or shows underground sections that would have been obstructed.

This feature was removed in Infdev due to the addition of infinite worlds.

Mc map 2333-G
Isometric ScreenShot Bug 2
Isometric ScreenShot Bug again,This image introduced glich block and shadow mob

Forma do mapa Indev

A typical normal, small, floating, deep map in isometric perspective.

The map shape refers to the general dimensions the level generator used to create maps. It was added in Indev 0.31 20100106 and it altered the length, width, and height of the map.

There were three kinds of shapes:

  • "Quadrado" was a map of equal length and width, with a height of 64 blocks.
  • "Grande" was 2 times the length and 12 times the width of a square map.
  • "Profundo" was 4 times the height and 12 times the width and length of a square map.

There were three kinds of sizes:

Largura × Comprimento × Altura Quadrado Grande Profundo
Pequeno 128 × 128 × 64 256 × 64 × 64 64 × 64 × 256
Normal 256 × 256 × 64 512 × 128 × 64 128 × 128 × 256
Enorme 512 × 512 × 64 1024 × 256 × 64 256 × 256 × 256

Tema do mapa Indev

The map theme refers to the general style the level generator used to create maps. It was added in Indev 0.31 20100107, and it dramatically affected game mechanics, such as monster spawn zones and boundary liquid. "Paradise" and "Woods" themes were added in Indev 20100214-2. Themes were removed for in the middle of Infdev and were comparable to biomes in Alpha, Beta and current Minecraft versions.


Map preview Default
A typical normal, small, island map in isometric perspective.

"Normal" was the default map theme. Above ground, one would find sporadic trees and generally favorable space. The weather was constantly partly cloudy, and the lengths of night and day were equal. Underground, ores of all types could be found and lava was generally found near the bedrock layer.

Boundary liquid: water.


Map preview Hell
A typical hell, small, island map in isometric perspective.

"Hell" was the second map theme introduced within the map theme feature. Hell featured significantly less lighting during the day, where mobs of all types would spawn at any time. All water was replaced with lava, grass was replaced with dirt and grass would spawn in place of sand only during map generation. Mushrooms were abundant on the surface. Farming worked at a much slower rate (one plant stage per day cycle). This map theme was comparable to the later added Nether.

Boundary liquid: lava.


Map preview Paradise
A typical paradise, small, island map in isometric perspective.

The third map theme, "Paradise", was more relaxed than the other themes. It featured larger beaches and plentiful flora compared to the "Normal" theme, and the time is always set to "Noon" (the sun never sets); hostile mobs spawn only underground. Farming works at a much faster rate (from planting to harvestable in 30–45 minutes).

Boundary liquid: water.


Map preview Woods
A typical woods, small, island map in isometric perspective.

The fourth map theme, "Woods", was a middle-ground of challenge between "Normal" and "Hell". It provided constant overcast during the day that reduces light, and tree density was higher than the other themes, resulting in the land space becoming smaller. Additionally, mushrooms were spotty throughout the above-ground areas.

Boundary liquid: water.

Tipo de mapa Indev

The "Floating" map type.

The map type refers to the general format the level generator used to create maps. Added in Indev 0.31 20100106, it dramatically affected gameplay, such as the availability of water, sand and gravel. The further the player traveled toward the end of the map, the slower they moved.

There were four kinds of map types:

  • "Island" was the default map type featuring minor hills and liquid existing at the borders.
  • "Floating" was similar to the floating islands in the "Buffet" world type today — it contained multiple floating islands. Falling from these islands resulted in death as the surface was covered in bedrock. Floating gravel and sand was common, while water was rare.
  • "Flat" was similar to the "Superflat" world type today — it featured flat grass with flowers, trees and a starting house.
  • "Inland" featured a slightly hilly landscape, which was essentially the "Island" map type with infinite flat land at its borders as opposed to water. Sand and gravel were common.

Tipo de mapa "Modo Inverno"

A "Winter Mode" world.
Reeds in Winter mode
A rare occurrence: reeds generated in a "Winter Mode" world.

"Winter Mode" was a randomly occurring map type in Alpha. It was added on July 9, 2010, in Alpha v1.0.4 and was the first "biome" to appear in Minecraft.

There were a couple of differences compared to normal worlds. First, there was the presence of snowflakes, which fell constantly. There were four different kinds of snowflakes. These snowflakes would create snow on surfaces directly exposed to the sky, provided that it was a solid block. Due to a lack of unfrozen water, reeds were rare. The second element unique to "Winter Mode" was the presence of ice. When a map was generated, most exposed water blocks would be frozen into ice. The water did not freeze completely near gravel beaches. The third element was a decrease in the spawning rate of passive mobs.

Whether a world was in "Winter Mode" was determined with a 25% chance at creation.

"Winter Mode" was removed in Alpha v1.2.0 with the addition of proper biomes.

Biomes antes da 1.7.2

Artigo principal: Biome

Versions prior to 1.7.2 had two biomes that were later removed from the world generator. Despite being unused, they continued to exist until Java Edition 1.18, in which mountain edge get removed.

The following biomes became unused in 1.7.2:

  • Mountain Edge (now available in the "Buffet" world type)
  • Frozen Ocean (restored in 1.13 as a very different biome)

Biomes antes da Beta 1.8

Artigo principal: Biome/Before Beta 1.8

In Beta 1.8, biomes received a major overhaul, removing and changing many of them. Prior to these changes, there were 13 biome types that were much smaller and less distinct.

Biomes antes da 1.18

Artigo principal: Biome/Before 1.18

In 1.18, terrain height is no longer controlled by biome, so the following height variations biome have been removed and had their code merged into the main one:

Tipo de mundo "Personalizado"

Artigo principal: Personalizado (antigo)

"Customized" was a world type that gave control over many settings that affected terrain generation, such as ores, sea level, biomes, structures, and many variables that govern the random shape of the terrain. It was introduced in snapshot 14w17a for 1.8, and was removed in snapshot 18w06a for 1.13. Although customized worlds were added back in the 1.16 snapshot 20w21a, there is currently no in-game menu to modify worlds; custom worlds can be generated only by importing a JSON file.


Criaturas MD3 do Indev

Mutano, Steve negro, Steve, e Rana were human mobs originally used as tests during the Indev phase. They were made by Dock, one of Minecraft's past artists. After Dock left the Minecraft development team, these MD3 mobs were cut from the game. These mobs had no animation and glided around in the same pose. Notch also tested some other MD3 models that weren't going "into the final game." These were apparently from the game Quake III Arena.[5]


Human Mob
A human in rd-132328.
Artigo principal: Humano

Humans were passive mobs who took the form of clones of the default skin. In Classic, humans could be spawned by pressing G and would run around aimlessly. From Classic 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST and onward, there was another mob called "Monster" that looked like a human but would attack the player. This "Monster" was the result of trying to spawn the base class for hostile mobs as an actual mob, a similar situation would later occur for humans too. Notch also used the name "monster" for the green humanoids in his unfinished game: Legend of the Chambered. The entity IDs Mob, for humans, and Monster, for "Monster", existed until 1.11, in which entity IDs were converted to namespaced IDs.

Drops de zumbis

Artigo principal: Zombie

Prior to Beta 1.8, zombies dropped 0-2 feathers, which were replaced by 0-2 rotten flesh.

Drops de homens-porcos-zumbis

Artigo principal: Piglin-zumbi

Prior to Beta 1.8, zombie pigmen dropped 0-2 cooked porkchops, which were replaced by 0-1 rotten flesh and 0-1 gold nuggets.

The main idea of nether mobs dropping porkchops were implemented into hoglins .


Sons do jogo

Contato com uma flecha
Esqueleto ferido 1
Esqueleto ferido 2
Esqueleto ferido 3
Esqueleto ferido 4
Esqueleto morre
Porta abre
Porta fecha
Subir de nível
Som de dano antigo
Vaca ambiente 1
Vaca ferida 1
Vaca ambiente 2
Vaca ambiente 3
Vaca ambiente 4
Vaca ambiente 5
Vaca ferida 2
Vaca ferida 3
Vaca ferida 4

Sons do jogador

Nome Trilha

Loops de áudio

Loops were unused sounds, found in the game files, and were possibly meant for when the player is in a specific type of location (i.e., in caves, forests, oceans and beside a waterfall).

They were found in .minecraft/resources/sound/loops/, and could be converted to reveal four loops, of birds chirping, cave chimes, ocean and waterfall noises.

Loop Track
Birds Chirping
Cave Chimes

Não utilizados

Esses recursos nunca tiveram uma funcionalidade no jogo.


Armadura no Survival Test

In early versions from 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST through Indev 20100207-2, there was a folder called "armor", which contained two files. One was called chain.png; and the other was called plate.png. These files were removed in Indev 20100212-1 with the addition of normal armor models.

Armadura de chapa
Para the item in Minecraft Dungeons by the same name, consulte Minecraft Dungeons:Plate Armor.

Plate armor was used in Survival Test for mobs and it gave them no additional defense.

Armor chainmail (Entity) Revision 1
Armadura de corrente

Unlike plate armor, chain armor was impossible to see in-game. It was just an unused texture. It was later removed and replaced with a new model and texture with leggings and boots.


Textura do homem porco-zumbi

Artigo principal: Zombified piglin § History
Zombie Pigman

The zombie pigman was what the zombified piglin was known as before the Nether Update. The zombie pigman was retextured, remodeled and renamed to zombified piglin when the Nether Update was released. However, the mob itself was not removed as Zombie Pigmen spawned before 20w09a does not despawn upon updating and retains their NBT data and equipment.


Botão "Jogar mundo de tutorial"

An unclickable "Play Tutorial Level" button was added to the main menu during Indev. With the addition of texture packs in Alpha v1.2.2, the button was removed. No tutorial level had actually existed during that time.



Artigos principais: History of textures § Unused textures e Java Edition history of textures/Blocks § Placeholder textures

In Infdev, a texture called Fluff.png was added. It was used as a texture for clouds from Infdev 20100611 to Infdev 20100618, but became unused in Infdev 20100624 and was removed by Alpha v1.2.2.

Comando chunkinfo

From 1.8 (snapshot 14w30a) to 1.13 (snapshot 17w45a), the file en_us.lang contained translation strings for a /chunkinfo command, which never existed in game. The following keys existed:

commands.chunkinfo.usage=/chunkinfo [<x> <y> <z>]
commands.chunkinfo.location=Chunk location: (%s, %s, %s)
commands.chunkinfo.noChunk=No chunk found at chunk position %s, %s, %s
commands.chunkinfo.notEmpty=Chunk is not empty.
commands.chunkinfo.empty=Chunk is empty.
commands.chunkinfo.notCompiled=Chunk is not compiled.
commands.chunkinfo.compiled=Chunk is compiled.
commands.chunkinfo.hasNoRenderableLayers=Chunk has no renderable layers.
commands.chunkinfo.hasLayers=Chunk has layers: %s
commands.chunkinfo.isEmpty=Chunk has empty layers: %s
commands.chunkinfo.vertices=%s layer's buffer contains %s vertices 64 vertices are: %s

It is unknown if this command was used for development or was simply a dropped feature.



calm4.ogg was a music file (alongside the other tracks) that was beta-tested and created by Notch himself. The song is 3 minutes and 13 seconds long. It consists of an upbeat synth, battle-like tune. At 1:36, Notch can be heard saying "Mojang Specifications" in slow-motion.

The track was released in Alpha v1.1.1,[carece de fontes] but in Alpha v1.1.2, this track was omitted from the downloaded game files. Players who had the game while the song file was still included continue to hear it being played, as the game plays any song in the .minecraft/resources/music folder.

With the introduction of the 1.6.1 launcher, playing older versions with the track calm4.ogg does not allow the track to be heard, since music is downloaded separately from the jar files.

On February 1, 2020, calm4.ogg was reuploaded by Notch on his SoundCloud page with the name "Magnetic Circuit".

Geração de portais do Nether com F4

In Edição Java Alpha v1.2.2a, players had the ability to spawn nether portals by pressing F4. In Alpha v1.2.2b, spawning nether portals using F4 was removed.

Controle do tempo com F6 e F7

In Beta 1.8 Pre-release, as a result of remaining debug code, players had the ability to use F6 and F7 to control in-game time. In Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2, the functionality of F6 and F7 was removed.

Botão "Atividade do jogador"

The "Player Activity" button in "Minecraft Realms" was added in 1.5, but it was removed in 1.14.4 for unknown reasons. This button was used to show the online activities of players.

Pacote de texturas

Texture packs were added in Alpha v1.2.2, and were replaced with resource packs in snapshot 13w24a for 1.6.1.

Opção "Anáglifo 3D"

3D Anaglyph pre-17w43a
"3D Anaglyph" option before 1.13.
3D Anaglyph image from Notch's blog.
Veja também: Options

"3D Anaglyph" is an option in video settings that applies a red-cyan stereoscopic effect, enabling the use of red-cyan 3D glasses to experience the game in more depth. This option was removed in snapshot 17w43a for 1.13 due to 3D glasses becoming less popular.[carece de fontes]

Partículas e névoa do vazio

Artigos principais: Void e Fog

From Edição Java Beta 1.8 Pre-release up to its removal in Edição Java 14w34c, a fog effect and particles would appear in the lower 16 blocks of the world.

Ejetar blocos de comando

From snapshot 14w07a for 1.8, dispensers had the ability to place command blocks, when activated. This feature was removed as of 1.8.6 to solve a security issue.[6][7]

Criaturas correndo de creepers

In 1.8, mobs ran away from creepers that were about to explode. In 1.8.1-pre1, this feature was removed because every mob that had the ability to run from a creeper was looking for an exploding creeper every tick, degrading performance.

Evaporação da água em blocos de magma

In snapshot 16w20a for 1.10, water evaporated on top of magma blocks when randomly ticked. From snapshot 18w07a for 1.13, whirlpool bubble columns are produced on top of magma blocks instead.

Barra de itens completa

Before 1.4.2, starting a world in Creative mode always started the player with a full hotbar, which included Stone, Cobblestone, Dirt, Bricks, Oak Log, Oak Planks, Oak Leaves , Torch and Stone Slab.


Note: When a line of splash text is removed, the line it occupied in splashes.txt is deleted, meaning the line number of all subsequent splashes lowers by one.

Splashes principais

Splash text Explanation Version added Version removed Pre-removal line number
Pre-beta! The Alpha version of Minecraft. Indev or earlier Beta 1.2 1
Alpha version! The Alpha version of Minecraft. Indev or earlier Beta 1.2 30
9.95 euro! The pricing of the Alpha version of Minecraft, which was less than half that of the final price. Indev or earlier Beta 1.2 48
Half price! The pricing of the Alpha version of Minecraft, which was less than half that of the final price. Indev or earlier Beta 1.2 49
Check it out! Duplicate of "Check it out!" on line 21. Before Alpha v1.2.0 Beta 1.8 Pre-release 47
Notch <3 ez! Most likely removed because of Notch's departure from Mojang. Indev 1.8.5 100
SOPA means LOSER in Swedish! SOPA was a highly controversial anti-piracy bill that made its way through the United States House of Representatives before it was rejected. In Swedish, "sopa" is a noun meaning "trash" or "garbage" and also commonly used as a slang insult.

Prior to 1.3, this splash read "SOPA means LOSER in Swedish", without an exclamation point.

The specific bill SOPA had not been a current issue for several years, by the time of the splash's removal.

1.1 1.9 (15w42a) 304
Better than Prey! Prey (2006) is a first-person shooter that was well received by critics.

Most likely removed to avoid legal issues with ZeniMax Media, because Bethesda Softworks published a game with the same name: Prey (2017).

Indev 1.12.1 (17w31a) 5
Hobo humping slobo babe! "Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe" was the critically-acclaimed first single of the band Whale. Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) 1.14 (19w12a) 259
Made by Notch! Notch is the creator of Minecraft. Indev 1.14 (19w13a) 9
The Work of Notch! Notch is the creator of Minecraft. Probably also a reference to The Word of Notch. Alpha v1.0.0 136
110813! Notch's and ez's wedding day, August 13, 2011. Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) 233
Woo, minecraftforum! Referring to Minecraft Forum. Removed shortly after it was announced that the forum would shut down.[8] However, despite the forums instead being sold to a third-party host,[9] this splash remains removed from the latest version. Alpha v1.0.14 1.14.2 (1.14.2-pre4 reupload) 171
Undocumented! Indev 1.16 (1.16-rc1) 29
Down with O.P.P.! Line from the song "O.P.P." by American hip hop trio "Naughty by Nature". Indev 39
Lewd with two dudes with food! A line from "If You're Into It" by Flight of the Conchords. Prior to Alpha v1.0.14, this splash read "Rude with two dudes with food!". Alpha v1.0.0 126
Switches and ores! Redstone is used to create switches, and many types of ore can be found. Alpha v1.0.14 191
Huge tracts of land! A quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, describing the "assets" of a bride-to-be. Also, refers to the large areas of terrain present in Minecraft. Beta 1.0 207
Totally forgot about Dre! Reference to the song "Forgot about Dre" by Dr. Dre. Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) 252
Popping tags! A reference to Macklemore's "Thrift Shop".[10] 1.8 (14w10a) 325
Getting ready to show! Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. 1.8 (14w25a) 335
Getting ready to know! 336
Getting ready to drop! 337
Getting ready to shock! 338
Getting ready to freak! 339
Getting ready to speak! 340

Splashes especiais

Splash text Explanation Date displayed Version removed
Happy birthday, ez! Shown on ez's birthday. November 9 1.8.5
Happy birthday, Notch! Shown on Notch's birthday. June 1 1.8.5

Botão "Super Secret Settings"

The "Super Secret Settings", added in snapshot 13w38a for 1.7.2, were removed in snapshot 15w31a for 1.9 due to an internal rewrite. It was a button under the options menu that, when pressed, would blare a random game sound with a lower pitch, and activate a shader.

Integração nativacom a

Native integration was added in snapshot 13w47a for 1.7.4, and was removed in snapshot 15w31a for 1.9. It integrated Twitch chat into the game. e entity.hanging.pop and entity.hanging.pop were two sound effects added in snapshot 15w49a and removed in the next snapshot, 15w49b. The sound effects were blank audio files and were likely intended as sound effects for the lead.

Partícula antiga do aqueduto

Artigo principal: Conduit § History
Nautilus (texture 0) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 1) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 2) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 3) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 4) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 5) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 6) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 7) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 8) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 9) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 10) JE1 BE1
Nautilus (texture 11) JE1 BE1

The conduit was added in snapshot 18w15a with particles, but those particles were changed in the next snapshot, 18w16a.

/locate New_Village

Artigo principal: Commands

There was a locate command called /locate New_Village. This was implemented in snapshot 18w48a for Village & Pillage before the village structures from Update Aquatic and prior were removed. Once these "old" villages were officially taken from the game's structure spawn list in snapshot 19w02a, /locate New_Village was replaced by /locate Village as the New_Village ID was no longer needed.

Início com 64 cercas

Artigo principal: Fence

In Alpha v1.0.17, the player would spawn with 64 fences in their inventory, but in Alpha v1.0.17_01 this feature was removed.[verificar]

Posição da visão em primeira pessoa

Este section está com informação faltando sobre what this feature actually was. 
Por favor, expanda este section para incluir esta informação. Mais detalhes podem existir na página de discussão.

Removed in 1.14 for performance reasons. Before changed, the player could not look directly upwards or downwards.

Drops de blocos temporários

Artigo principal: Survival Test

Survival Test introduced block drops, which were mapped as follows:

Block Drops
Gold Ore Block of Gold
Iron Ore Block of Iron
Coal Ore Stone Slab
Wood Planks

Block drops were reworked in Indev.

Texturas reduzidas

Artigo principal: Survival Test

In Survival Test, item drops were restricted to the cube shape used for blocks. The projected texture was the same on all faces and the texture scale was closer to those of blocks, making it look cropped.


Artigo principal: Tag § History

The water_hacked and waterlogged tags were added in snapshots 18w07a and 18w07b for 1.13 respectively and removed in 18w10c. Before the removal, these tags functioned as follows:

Tag Values Usage
minecraft:water_hacked #minecraft:stairs, #minecraft:waterlogged, #minecraft:slabs, minecraft:chest
  • Blocks in this tag render in water as if any non-filled space in the block model was water.
minecraft:waterlogged #minecraft:coral_plants, minecraft:bubble_column, minecraft:kelp, minecraft:kelp_top, minecraft:sea_grass, minecraft:tall_sea_grass
  • Used in the water_hacked.json block tag file. Prevents non-water mobs from spawning in this block. Allows swimming in this block.

Easter eggs do launcher da Edição Java

Prior to the release of Launcher 2.1.497x, the launcher contained multiple easter eggs. If the player hovered their cursor over the "Play" button for a few seconds, a random mob would appear in the bottom right corner of the launcher. In the top left corner of the launcher, the player could see a translucent creeper face. There was about a 111 chance of the creeper face being replaced with a shrugging kaomoji, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. When the player clicked on either of these, they turned solid white. Clicking them again would return them to their translucent state. In addition, if the player pressed Ctrl+B, the experience orb pickup sound would play.

Antigas animações de caminhada das criaturas

In Survival Test, mobs (pigs, sheep, skeletons, zombies, spiders and creepers) had different walking animations.

Ataque corpo a corpo do creeper

In Survival Test, creepers did melee damage to the player. In Indev 0.31, this feature was removed. The damage was 4.

Removidos com a divisão entre servidor e cliente da 1.3

Artigo principal: Java Edition 12w18a/List of broken features

When 1.3 split client and server logic, several features lost significant functionality. While some of these have been effectively restored or at least substituted, many of them remain moved to this day.

Alternância da chuva

In early Indev versions, pressing F5 would toggle between rain and clear.


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