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Lav oyuncular tarafından sadece kova yardımıyla koyulabilen sıvı bir bloktur. Işık saçar ve çevresinde bulunan yanabilir blokları yakar. Genellikle yer altında bulunsa da yeryüzünde lav gölü olarak bulunabilir.

Doğal oluşumlar

Lav genellikle magma olarak yerin altında, 1 ve 8 seviyeleri arasında bulunur. Yer altı mağaralarında 1 blok olarak, yere süzülür halde bulunabilir. Yer altında madencilik yaparkenki ölüm sebeplerin başında gelir. Böyle ölmek berbattır çünkü lav eşyalarınızın büyük kısmını yok eder. Basit önlemler alınarak lav kazalarının önüne geçilebilir. (örneğin aşağı, yukarı doğru kazarken dikkatli olmak, yanınızda mutlaka 1 kova su bulundurmak)

Köz sesleri 1.2 sürümünde oyuna eklenmiştir.

Alpha 1.2.6, sürümünden beri lav yeryüzünde göller halinde bulunabilmektedir. Orman yangınlarına yok açabilir. Göller nadirdir ve her biyomda bulunabilmektedir. Bazen göllerin üzeri ince bir taş veya çamur tabakasıyla kaplı olabilmektedir. Hatta bu göllerin ortasında minik adalar bile yer alabilmektedir. Lav göllerinin derinliği ve yüksekliği çok çeşitlilik gösterir.

NPC köylerindeki demircilerde bulunabilir.

Cehennemde ise oldukça yaygındır. Lav, su gibi konulduğu yerden akar.



  • Oyuncular ve yaratıklar gibi tüm varlıklar, lava değdikleri her yarım saniye boyunca hasar alır, ayrıca yanabilirler. Yanarken suya dokunan veya üzerine yağmur yağarsa, ateş söner.
  • TNT'ler, kitaplıklar, yapraklar, yünler, çitler (çit kapısı hariç), sarmaşıklar, çimenler, ağaç, ahşap plakalar, ve tahta merdivenler yanıcıdır. Yanıcı bloklar lavın yakınındaysa ateş alabilirler. Ayrıca çakıllar dikey olarak lava düştüğünde, varlıklar gibi yanarlar. (ateş yayılmaz ve blok yok olmaz). Buz suya dönüşür, TNT patlar.
  • Lavdan fırlayan “közler” veya “ateş topları” oldukça dekoratiftir ve yangına sebep olmazlar.
  • Beta 1.6.6 sürümünde lav, altındaki yanıcı blokları etkilemiyordu.
  • Uyarı: Barışçıl modda oynuyor olsanız bile, lav yüzünden ölebilirsiniz ama iyileşme ve can kaybetme olayları birbirini nötrlediği için (örneğin her 2,5 kalp kaybedip 2 kalp kazanacaksınız) daha uzun süre hayatta kalırsınız ve su bulma şansınız artar.

Lav ve su

  • 1.9pre1 sürümünden beri lavın akan kısımları suya temas ettiğinde taş oluşur. Bu yöntemle sınırsız taş üretebilirsiniz.
  • Eğer lav dikey olarak akıyor ve suyla temas ediyorsa ırık taş oluşur.
  • Eğer lav yatay olarak suya akıyor ise kırık taş oluşur. Bunu kullanarak kırık taş çiftlikleri oluşturabilirsiniz.
  • 1.3.1 sürümünde, lav ve suyu kaldırım taşı ayırıyorsa suya giren ve taşa deyen oyuncu sıcakmış ve oyuncuya zarar verirmişcesine can kaybetmeye başlar. Bu durumun hata olduğunu düşünenler olduğu gibi yeni bir özellik olduğunu düşünenler de vardır.
  • Su dikey bir şekilde lava değdiği zaman tıslar, tıslama sesi ve duman çıkar, hemen kaybolur.
  • Lav ve su doğrudan temas ettiklerinde lav obsidyen'e dönüşür.


Eğer bir bloğun üzerinde lav varsa, altından lav damlar.

Obsidian'ın birincil doğal kaynağı derin mağaralardaki göllerin üzerine akan sulardır. Bunları toplarken dikkatli olmak gerekir çünkü obsidyen tabakasının altında lav olabilir.

Suyla çevrili kızıltaşın üzerine lav düşerse, kızıltaş obsidyene dönüşür. Bu olay oyun hatası olarak değerlendirilse de Notch kaldırılmayacağını açıklamıştır.[1] ayrıntılı bilgi için obsidyen sayfasına bakın

Üstünde lav olan bir bloğun altından lav damlar. Bu damlalar yaratıkları ve diğer blokları etkilemezler.

Lav Kovası

Lava Bucket
Nadirlik rengi



{{{dayanıklılık}}}Şablon:Article other







Durum etkisis


You can collect and place lava springs using a bucket. As with water, you can only harvest the springs, not the flowing lava coming from them.

Lava can beed to make obsidian, to light an area, or to create traps. When used to create obsidian, water will be used to cool the lava either before collecting it with a diamond pickaxe in a mold in the desired shape, or by emptying the bucket next to an artificially created waterfall.[2]

Lava can be placed in a furnace in a bucket to be substituted for coal. Its burning time is 1000 seconds, compared to 80 seconds for coal (lava smelts 100 blocks, coal smelts 8). Since 1.3, you retain the empty bucket.

Lava buckets are often used as weapons due to its powerful damage and re-usability. Its use as a weapon is documented in the combat tutorial article.

Lava molding

Lava can be combined with water for molding obsidian, stone or cobblestone structures of any size when used properly:


  • One does not need to contain lava on all sides; lava flowing freely down is often used.
  • The size of structures is almost limitless (the sky IS the limit). Many structures are massive.
  • Lava molding can have very desirable architecture, mostly from downward flowing lava.
  • With only a few starting blocks, one can build very massive structures.
  • Lava molding is much faster than building by hand (this is limited to larger structures).


  • Lava molding can be very dangerous to players and other entities alike.
  • If one is not careful, they may solidify the source block, creating obsidian.
  • One is often limited to walls and towers.
  • Structures can only be made from either stone (which is harder to get), obsidian, or cobblestone.
  • If you have a full inventory while you fill up more buckets of lava, the filled buckets that don't fit in the inventory will drop out like when you click Q.


Magma at the bottom of the map in Classic
The same area as above, with water flooded in and bedrock exposed.
0.0.19aAt first lava had a different texture Lava JE1 , but then changed to the current texture. The old texture can still be found in the terrain.png file at the minecraft.jar, and it is used in the Minecraft Pocket Edition.

In Classic, lava spreads by duplicating itself to open horizontal and downwards squares like Water. Lava is slower, though, and can be easily outrun. A quick player can block the flow of lava by building a dam. However, if the lava wave is large, a player may not be able to build fast enough. Also like water, lava slows down the player moving through it but it does so to a greater extent, and swimming through it causes greater damage. Lava is also more opaque than water and is harder to see through while you are submerged; you cannot see through lava from outside it. At the bottom of the map, magma can be found directly above bedrock in a different form, as it will trap the player and prevent the player from leaving unless water is let in and collides with it or if the player places a sand or gravel block, letting it drop into the magma. If water is let into the area where the magma is, the magma will form Stone, allowing the stone block to be removed to expose Bedrock underneath.

Lava's texture became animated.
???Lava flows more realistically across surfaces but not as much as water does. Lava will flow for a total distance of 3 blocks "away" from the source block (7 in The Nether). Just like water, lava will flow in a single line towards the nearest terrain depression within four blocks. Items thrown into lava flows will disintegrate. All objects burn instantaneously when dropped into lava. Fired arrows will not disintegrate, but will appear to catch fire and can still be picked up. This can be used to your advantage, by shooting through a lava waterfall. Flaming arrows will set enemies on fire, but will not start fires on blocks. Magma is no longer present at the bottom of maps in this mode. Lava can melt ice and snow (but not snow blocks), much like torches can, but melt a larger area. Lava is luminous and a large lava flow is visible in the dark from quite a distance.
1.0.6_03Obsidian was added.
Seecret Friday Update 9Buckets of lava can be used to fuel a furnace for 100 smelts. Both the lava and the bucket were consumed (so unless the player had a sufficient amount of iron, this method was not recommended).
1.2.6Right-clicking a furnace/workbench/chest while holding a lava bucket would leave you with a lava spring on top of the said item, but now it just opens the inventory as it would have if you were carrying nothing.[3]
???Lava is less reactive with horizontal water flows.
1.8When lava is touched by rain, it emits smoke (but does not transform into another block).
1.9pre(?)Source blocks used to be unable to be duplicated over an area deeper than 1 block. Jeb said that this was a bug and is now fixed.
1.9pre(5)Source blocks are destroyed when completely surrounded with TNT.
1.0.0If there is a body of lava flowing above a block, the lava visually "drips" down through the holding block. Also, lava blocks now form stone when falling directly onto water source blocks.
12w05aLava (as well as the embers that pop out of it) makes sounds. These sounds were in the game files for a long time but they had not played in-game.
12w22aUsing a lava bucket as fuel leaves an empty bucket. Prior to this version, both the lava and the bucket were consumed.


  • In taiga biomes, lava will occasionally freeze while near but not touching water, and will form obsidian or cobblestone.
  • Lava can still be blown up by TNT, assuming that the TNT block detonated in or next to the source block. This appears to be random.
  • When a player is inside a lava block, spiders, cave spiders and endermen appear red.
  • If redstone is placed next to water in such a way that the water does not run through it, and lava is placed directly over the redstone, where the redstone was previously will turn into obsidian and the lava source block will still be able to be picked up.
  • Sometimes Lava will not float if placed on a sign in Multiplayer.
  • Sometimes, Lava will float, and updating it will not stop it from floating.


  • A water source block placed 1 block away upwards diagonally (but not through corners) from a lava block will first flow in the direction of the lava, then other directions facing away from the lava. This happens because water physics treat the place that lava occupies as empty, and try to flow to it. Once the water turns the lava into obsidian, the water physics update to flow in all directions.
  • Lava can be contained by surrounding it with snow blocks, because they are not flammable and do not melt.
  • It is a common misconception that underground lava pools cause more minerals to spawn. The idea arrives from the fact that the large open area leaves more of the nearby natural minerals exposed. If anything, the air pockets associated with lava pools actually reduce the chances of minerals spawning by taking away natural rock space.
  • Above-ground lava lakes seem to generate most often in Taiga biomes
  • An easy way to 'fill-in' large pools of lava is to use gravel or sand, which will fall to the bottom of the pool and stack upwards.
  • You can see the stars when in lava, even if it's supposed to be opaque.
  • If an item falls into the edge of a lava pool, it may pop back out and appear as if it were burning. Also, you can pick the item back up once it's back on land. Occurs more commonly in SMP.
  • Although lava is a liquid, it is not possible to drown in lava. This applies to all mobs.
  • Unlike water, lava does not stop a player's fall.
  • Arrows shot by the player will only catch fire if shot in flowing lava and not still lava.
  • Lava CAN be used for fuel in the furnace and can smelt a little more than 1.5 stacks of ore/material, but the bucket will not be returned. This was changed with 1.3. Now an empty bucket will remain in the furnace, ready to reuse. (1.5 stacks = 96; actual smelt is 100.)
  • You cannot put 4 blocks of lava in a 2x2 square to create an infinite source of lava like you can with water, even in the Nether.
  • On 1.9 pre release 5, you could actually make a infinite lava well, like water. But instead of a 2x2 square, you made a + sign by putting lava on the corners. The center block would replenish itself. This only works on 1.9 pre release 5.
  • End Portals can be seen yellow if exposed to the surface when you are in lava.
  • Lava can also be used as a garbage disposal, by creating a 3×3 box of any non-flammable block and leaving a 1 block gap inside. Pour lava into it and drop unwanted items.


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