This page lists NBT structures of items in Bedrock Edition.
Item NBT is used both in the player's inventory and Ender inventory, and in chest block entities, dropped item entities, etc.
Item Stack
All items share this base:
- : The item's root tag.
- Block: (May not exist) What block is placed when placing a block item.
- Tags common to block
- CanDestroy: (May not exist) Controls what block types this item can destroy.
- : A block ID.
- CanPlaceOn: (May not exist) Controls what block types this block may be placed on.
- : A block ID.
- Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot.
- Damage: The metadata value. Note that this tag does not store items' damage value.
- Name: The item ID.
- tag: (May not exist) Additional information about the item.
- WasPickedUp: Unknown.
- Block: (May not exist) What block is placed when placing a block item.
General Tags
Items with durability store their damage value in NBT. Additionally, items can have custom display names and lore. There is also the RepairCost tag which tracks anvil usage for items, making them more costly with every use of the anvil.
- tag: Parent tag.
- Damage: (May not exist) The damage value for this item. Defaults to 0.
- display: (May not exist) Display properties.
- Lore: (May not exist) List of strings to display as lore for the item.
- : (May not exist) A line of text for the lore of an item.
- Name: (May not exist) The JSON text component to use to display the item name.
- Lore: (May not exist) List of strings to display as lore for the item.
- minecraft:item_lock: 1 for "lock in slot". 2 for "lock in inventory".
- minecraft:keep_on_death: 1 if keeping on death.[needs testing]
- RepairCost: (May not exist) Number of experience levels to add to the base level cost when repairing, combining, or renaming this item with an Anvil.
- Unbreakable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (may not exist) if this item's durability is allowed to take damage.
Enchantment Tags
in Bedrock Edition, there's only one way to store enchantment NBTs: both enchanted items and Enchanted Book share the ench tag.
- tag: Parent tag.
- ench: Contains enchantments on this item.
- : A single enchantment.
- id: The ID of the enchantment.
- lvl: The level of the enchantment, where 1 is level 1. Values are clamped between 0 and 255 when reading.
- : A single enchantment.
- ench: Contains enchantments on this item.
Armor Trim
Additional fields when an armor is trimmed:
- tag: Parent tag.
- Trim: Properties of the armor trim.
- Material: The material which decides the color of armor trim.
- Pattern: The pattern of armor trim.
- Trim: Properties of the armor trim.
Book and Quills
Additional fields for book and quills:
- tag: Parent tag.
- pages: (May not exist) The list of pages in the book.
- : A single page in the book.
- photoname: Filename of a photo in this page if included.
- text: The text in this page.
- : A single page in the book.
- pages: (May not exist) The list of pages in the book.
Bucket of Aquatic Mob
Additional fields for bucket:
- tag: Parent tag.
- Tags common to entity
- Additional tags unique to fish or axolotl entity.
- AppendCustomName: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity color, state, and id are used to generate the bucket item's name.
- BodyID: (May not exist) The translation key of entity's state. Used to generate the bucket item's name.
- ColorID: (May not exist) The translation key of a color. Used to generate the bucket item's name.
- Color2ID: (May not exist) The translation key of another color. Used to generate the bucket item's name.
- CustomName: (May not exist) The custom name of entity in it. Used to generate the bucket item's name.
- GroupName: (May not exist) Unknown. Used to generate the bucket item's name.
Additional fields for crossbow:
- tag: Parent tag.
- chargedItem: The items this crossbow has charged.
- Tags common to item stack
- chargedItem: The items this crossbow has charged.
Filled Map
Additional fields for filled map:
- tag: Parent tag.
- map_display_players: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (may not exist) true if the map displays player markers.
- map_is_init: (May not exist) Unknown.
- map_is_scaling: (May not exist) Unknown.
- map_name_index: The index of the map's name.
- map_scale: (May not exist) Unknown.
- map_uuid: The UUID of the map used in this item.
Firework Rocket
Additional fields for firework rocket:
- tag: Parent tag.
- Fireworks
- Explosions: List of compounds representing each explosion this firework causes.
- : A explosion effect.
- Tags common to firework explosion
- : A explosion effect.
- Flight: Indicates the flight duration of the firework (equals the amount of gunpowder used in crafting the rocket). Can be anything from -128 to 127.
- Explosions: List of compounds representing each explosion this firework causes.
- Fireworks
Firework Star
Additional fields for firework star:
- tag: Parent tag.
- customColor: The color of this firework star.
- FireworksItem: The explosion effect contributed by this firework star.
- Tags common to firework explosion
Glow Stick
Additional fields for glow stick:
- : Parent tag.
- active_time: (May not exist) Unknown.
Horse Armor
Additional fields for horse armor:
- tag: Parent tag.
- customColor: (May not exist) The color of the leather armor.
Lodestone Compass
Additional fields for lodestone compass:
- tag: Parent tag.
- trackingHandle: The ID of lodestone to track.
Additional fields for potion:
- tag: Parent tag.
- wasJustBrewed: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (may not exist) true if item is brewed in brewing stand.
Additional fields for shield:
- tag: Parent tag.
- Base: The base color of the banner on the shield. See Banner#Block_data.
- Patterns: (May not exist) List of all patterns applied to the banner on the shield.
- : An individual pattern.
- Color: The base color of the pattern. See Banner#Block_data.
- Pattern: The pattern ID code. See Banner#Block_data.
- : An individual pattern.
Written Book
Additional fields for written book:
- tag: Parent tag.
- author: The author of this book.
- generation: The copy tier of the book. 0 = Original, 1 = Copy of original, 2 = Copy of copy.
- pages: The list of pages in the book.
- : A single page in the book.
- photoname: Filename of a photo in this page if included.
- text: The text in this page.
- : A single page in the book.
- title: The title of this book.
- xuid: Unknown.