The 405th issue of Doctor Who Magazine was current from 5 February through 4 March 2009.
Following David Tennant's admission that he would leave the role of the Tenth Doctor at the end of the year, this issue served as the cover debut for his successor, Matt Smith, in his first promotional picture precluding his arrival as the Eleventh Doctor.
Who is Matt Smith? - Matt Smith gives his first interview about being the Eleventh Doctor.
- Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor! - It's the news everyone's talking about - so let's hear from the man himself! Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, chats exclusively to DWM! Words and interview by Benjamin Cook.
- Casting the Eleventh Doctor - Casting director Andy Pryor talks exclusively to DWM about helping to choose the Eleventh Doctor.
- Reality TV - Daleks! Cybermen! Yeti! Autons! Slitheen! And that's to name just a scant few of the many monsters to have invaded Earth over the last five decades. So how come hardly anyone seems to remember these events in the Doctor Who universe? Jonathan Morris considers this peculiar problem of public perception...
- Susie Cues - Over the past three years, Susie Liggat has worked on some of the most well regarded Doctor Who stories ever - and now she's ready to tell her story. Dan Berry asks Susie about her stint as producer of Doctor Who, and her life in the world of television...
Profiles / Interviews
- Matt Smith ( the Eleventh Doctor)
- Susie Liggat (Susie Cues)
- Lizo Mzimba (Who on Earth is...)
Comic content
- The Stockbridge Child - Part Three
- - Story: Dan McDaid
- - Pencil Art: Mike Collins
- - Inks: David A. Roach
- - Colours: James Offredi
- - Letters: Roger Langridge
- - Editors: Tom Spilsbury and Scott Gray
The Fact of Fiction
- Planet of Evil - At the edge of the known universe, Alan Barnes uncovers the secrets hidden on Zeta Minor - the Planet of Evil...
All the latest Doctor Who DVDs, books and CDs reviewed...
- - Reviewers: Vanessa Bishop, Gary Gillatt, Matt Michael, Dave Owen and Andrew Pixley
TV Reviewed
DVDs Reviewed
- The E-Space Trilogy - (Pick of the Month)
- - Illustration by Ben Willsher
Books reviewed
- DOC: T is for Television
- Anthology The Story of Martha
- PROSE: The Eyeless
- PROSE: Beautiful Chaos
- COMIC: The Betrothal of Sontar
- DOC: Who Goes There
- PROSE: Short Trips: Christmas Around the World
Audios Reviewed
- TV: Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen
- TV: Doctor Who and the Time Warrior
- AUDIO: The Raincloud Man
- DVD Preview - TV: The Rescue/The Romans - David Darlington finds out about the extras for this month's box set, from the early years of Doctor Who...
- Audio Preview - AUDIO: The Nemonite Invasion - The Doctor and Donna crash to Earth during the Second World War! David Darlington uncovers this new adventure...
- Audio Preview - AUDIO: The Destroyer of Delights - The Black Guardian has returned! David Darlington investigates the Fifth Doctor's latest adventure...
Issue previews
- DWM 405
Regular features
- Letter from the Editor
- Production Notes - New head writer Steven Moffat writes exclusively for DWM, to tell us about the joys and anxieties of New Doctor Day...
- - Illustration by Ben Morris
- Gallifrey Guardian - All the latest news from every corner of the Doctor Who universe...
- Public Image - Over 13 million viewers watch The Next Doctor!
- Galaxy Forum
- You are Not Alone - Dear Matt Smith - Neil Harris welcomes the new man in the TARDIS...
- Who on Earth is... - Lizo Mzimba - The BBC's Entertainment Correspondent on Kirsty Wark, David Beckham, and Matt Smith...
- Win The Rescue and The Romans on DVD!
- Win the latest Tenth Doctor Novels! (The Eyeless, The Story of Martha, Beautiful Chaos)
- Win The Mind of Evil on CD!
- Win The Nemonite Invasion on CD!
- Win Iris Wildthyme Series Two CDs!
- Win Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen (audio release)
- Editor - Tom Spilsbury
- Assistant Editor - Peter Ware
- Designers - Peri Godbold, Michael Yeowell
- Head of Production - Mark Irvine
- Managing Editor - Alan O'Keefe
- Managing Director - Mike Riddell