Hector, later reborn as Hector Junior, was a potted spider plant and a companion of the Eighth and Ninth Doctor.
The Eighth Doctor originally found Hector in a market while he was in the Dark Times and brought him with him when he escaped the Dalek Time Squad with the Ninth Doctor. After he was left in his TARDIS, Hector passed into the possession of the Ninth Doctor; when the Eighth Doctor once hopefully reached to touch Hector, the Ninth Doctor stopped him and said, "Hard cheese. Hector's my pal now." The Ninth Doctor brought Hector with him to Inyit's biodome on Birinji, where she criticised how the Doctor had cared for the now dying plant. She cared for it and took cuttings. When the balance of life was restored after her death, the spider plant sprung back healthy. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass) The Ninth Doctor took this plant, named it "Hector Junior", and gave it to Rose Tyler after she recovered from the vampire virus. (COMIC: Monstrous Beauty)