Houston was a city in Texas (PROSE: Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia [+]Loading...["Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia (2011 reference book)"]) on the south coast of the United States. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])
20th century
In 1969, Apollo 11 reported to Houston. (TV: Day of the Moon [+]Loading...["Day of the Moon (TV story)"])
Houston was in contact with Recovery 7. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death [+]Loading...["The Ambassadors of Death (TV story)"])
A deep space monitor was established in Houston by the late 20th century. (TV: The Three Doctors [+]Loading...["The Three Doctors (TV story)"])
21st century
A map showing the location of Houston appeared on a screen at UNIT HQ in Geneva. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])
The mission control for the 2050s Bowie Base One mission was located in Houston. (TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Loading...["The Waters of Mars (TV story)"])