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Lily Henwick was the daughter of Angela Henwick and granddaughter of Miriam Henwick. Born in 1988, she had a younger brother, Noah; the siblings' father died in a car accident around the time of Noah's birth.
Lily lived with her mother, brother, and grandmother in the family home outside of Cardiff. In 2000, when Lily was twelve years old, Angela and Noah were taken by the Zeeng through a rift inside their house. Witnessing the incident, Lily fled into the night in a panic, seeking help, and encountered the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler, who were attempting to refuel the TARDIS but had wound up off-course.
The Doctor took an interest in the situation after hearing Lily's description of what had taken her family members. During the course of the ensuing investigation, Lily and Rose were also dragged into the Zeeng's realm, where they found Angela and Noah. The Doctor followed in the TARDIS and brought everyone back to Earth. (PROSE: The Monster in the Cupboard [+]Loading...["The Monster in the Cupboard (novel)"])