A review was an individual's structed set of opinions on a particular subject, often about films or television series.
Fester Cat had written reviews on Paul Magrs's blog by 2012, and the experience gave Fester a taste for writing. (PROSE: The Story of Fester Cat)
Undated events
Bill Potts once asked if there were reviews for space locations, like restaurants and hotels. (TV: Oxygen)
Other realities
In Pete's World by 2007, (TV: Doomsday [+]Loading...["Doomsday (TV story)"], PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Loading...["The Time Traveller's Almanac (reference book)"]) Film Reviews and Television Reviews were two of the options for content to be downloaded to a Cybus EarPod user's brain with the daily download. (PROSE: EarPod [+]Loading...["EarPod (feature)"])