Fajl oriġinali (Fajl fil-format SVG, dimensjoni nominali 900 × 600 pixel, dimensjoni tal-fajl: 191 B)

Dan huwa fajl mill-Wikimedia Commons. Il-deskrizzjoni fuq il-paġna ta' diskussjoni oriġinali tidher hawn taħt.
Commons huwa repożitorju ta' fajls multimedjali liċenzjati b'xejn. Int tista' tgħin.


English: Marine Nationale and French merchant ensign. Used from 1794 to 1814/1815, and from 1848 to present.
Notice that its proportions differ from those of the French civil flag. (ensign : 30:33:37, civil : 1/3,1/3,1/3)
Français : Pavillon de la Marine Nationale et des navires marchands français. Utilisé entre 1794 et 1814/1815, et de 1848 à nos jours.
Notez que ses proportions sont différentes du drapeau Français civil. (pavillon : 30:33:37, civil : 1/3,1/3,1/3)
Sors Opra proprja with colors of the SHOM file, RGB colors does not agree with https://www.gouvernement.fr/charte/charte-graphique-les-fondamentaux/les-couleurs .
Mhux magħruf
Verżjonijiet oħra
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with a text editor.
     ikħal rendered as RGB 000 038 089
     abjad rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     aħmar rendered as RGB 222 047 045
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with a text editor.
Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor


Public domain This image of simple geometry is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
GNU head Huwa permess li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u/jew timmodifika dan id-dokument abbażi tat-termini tal-Liċenzja ta' Dokumentazzjoni Ħielsa tal-GNU, Verżjoni 1.2 jew kwalunkwe verżjoni oħra pubblikata mill-Free Software Foundation; mingħajr ebda sezzjoni non-modifikabbli, mingħajr test tal-faċċata u mingħajr test tal-qoxra. Kopja tal-liċenzja hi inkluża fis-sezzjoni intitolata Test tal-Liċenzja ta' Dokumentazzjoni Ħielsa tal-GNU".
w:mt:Creative Commons
attribuzzjoni Ixxerja bl-istess mod
Dan il-fajl huwa liċenzjat taħt it-termini tal-liċenzja Creative Commons Attribuzzjoni-Aqsam bl-istess mod 3.0 Unported
Inti ħieles:
  • li taqsam – li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u tittrażmetti din l-opra
  • li timmodifika – li tadatta l-biċċa xogħol
Taħt il-kundizzjonijiet segwenti:
  • attribuzzjoni – Għandek tattribwixxi x-xogħol bil-mod speċifikat mill-awtur jew minn min ta l-l-iċenzja (imma mhux b'xi mod li jissuġġerixxi ji jappoġjaw lilek jew l-użu tax-xogħol).
  • Ixxerja bl-istess mod – Jekk tbiddel, tittrasforma jew tibni fuq dan il-materjal, inti għandek bżonn taqsam il-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek taħt l-istess liċenzja jew waħda li taqbel ma' dik oriġinali.
This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update.
Public domain
This work is in the public domain in France for one of the following reasons:
  • Its author (or the last of its authors in the case of a collaboration work) died more than 70 years ago (CPI art. L123-1) and did not benefit from any copyright extension (CPI art. L123-8, L123-9 and L123-10)[1];
  • It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work (the identity of the author has never been disclosed) or a collective work[2] and more than 70 years have passed since its publication (CPI art. L123-3);
  • It is the recording of an audiovisual or musical work already in the public domain, and more than 50 years have passed since the performance or the recording (CPI art. L211-4).

Please note that moral rights still apply when the work is in the public domain. They encompass, among others, the right to the respect of the author's name, quality and work (CPI art. L121-1). Attribution therefore remains mandatory.
  1. Copyright extensions must be considered only in the case of musical works and of authors Mort pour la France (died during conflict, in the service of France). In other cases, they are included in the 70 years post mortem auctoris length (see this statement of the Cour de Cassation).
  2. The collective work status is quite restrictive, please make sure that it is actually established.

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depicts Ingliż

copyrighted Ingliż

media type Ingliż


Kronoloġija tal-fajl

Agħfas fuq il-grupp data/ħin biex tara l-fajl biex tara kif jidher dak il-ħin.

(L-aħħar | L-ewwel) Ara (10 l-aktar riċenti | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
kurrenti02:58, 14 April 2024Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 02:58, 14 April 2024900 × 600 (191 B)ColohistoCode cleanup
15:34, 25 Novembru 2023Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 15:34, 25 Novembru 2023600 × 400 (2 KB)VichycomboReverted to version as of 21:39, 2 June 2022 (UTC)
02:17, 28 Lulju 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 02:17, 28 Lulju 2022600 × 400 (217 B)SwankPhilipRReverted to version as of 19:44, 15 November 2021 (UTC)
02:15, 28 Lulju 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 02:15, 28 Lulju 2022600 × 400 (384 B)SwankPhilipRReverted to version as of 03:46, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
02:12, 28 Lulju 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 02:12, 28 Lulju 2022600 × 400 (2 KB)SwankPhilipRReverted to version as of 17:23, 15 November 2021 (UTC)
21:39, 2 Ġunju 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 21:39, 2 Ġunju 2022600 × 400 (2 KB)Le BraddockReverted to version as of 21:54, 26 January 2022 (UTC)
12:15, 1 Ġunju 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 12:15, 1 Ġunju 2022900 × 600 (262 B)HarmonizatorClearing file and correct colors with the SHOM values
21:54, 26 Jannar 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 21:54, 26 Jannar 2022600 × 400 (2 KB)EmperorNapoleonIofFranceReverted to version as of 12:55, 31 January 2019 (UTC)
21:53, 26 Jannar 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 21:53, 26 Jannar 2022600 × 400 (3 KB)EmperorNapoleonIofFranceReverted to version as of 13:22, 4 June 2006 (UTC)
20:03, 21 Jannar 2022Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 20:03, 21 Jannar 2022600 × 400 (2 KB)Napoleon I, Emperor of the FrenchReverted to version as of 12:55, 31 January 2019 (UTC)
(L-aħħar | L-ewwel) Ara (10 l-aktar riċenti | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

Il-Paġna segwenti twassal għal din l-istampa:

L-użu globali tal-fajl

Il-wikis segwenti jużaw dan il-fajl:

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Note 2