Paper Boy

~ Recording by Roy Orbison

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Paper Boy2:10Roy OrbisonPaper Boy / With The BugRoy OrbisonSingle
Monument (US label active since 1958)409
1.5Paper Boy2:16Roy OrbisonThe RCA SessionsRoy Orbison / Sonny JamesAlbum + Compilation
Bear Family RecordsBCD 15407
1.10Paper Boy2:16Roy OrbisonRoy Orbison / Ray PetersonRoy Orbison / Ray PetersonAlbum + Compilation
Ariola Express495 049
1.1Paper Boy2:10Roy OrbisonThe Big O: The Original Singles CollectionRoy OrbisonAlbum + Compilation
Monument (US label active since 1958)492743 2
1.15Paper Boy2:10Roy OrbisonThe Complete Sun, RCA & Monument Releases 1956-62Roy OrbisonAlbum + Compilation
Acrobat MusicADDCD3236


recording of:Paper Boy

Paper Boy

lyricist and composer:Roy Orbison
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