“If you’re searching for lightning bolts of insights around your particular gift in the world — Nilofer is the first and only coach I would refer anyone to.”

Raina Kumra, Entrepreneur and Founder, Spicewell

You deserve more from your work.

You want to get more out of work and give more of yourself to your work. You’ve read the latest leadership books. You built your personal brand. You’ve taken all the tests and assessments for yourself and your team. You’ve taken—or even led—the leadership courses. Your hard work has brought visible, measurable success. And, yet—something’s still missing.

It’s time to uncover your Onlyness®.

You stand in a spot in the world only you stand. It’s a function of your history and experience, visions and hopes. From that spot, you have a distinct perspective that only you have. Find that spot, and you find your power and your purpose. Your Onlyness.

When you see your Onlyness, you see what lights you up. So you can light up the world. 

Onlyness might be simple in concept, but it’s not easy to see.

It’s like having a lightbulb over your head, shining and brightening every room you enter. It might be a turmeric orange or mallard blue. When you enter a room, your light illuminates the entire space. That makes it difficult to discern your own “only” because the light you shine is also the filter through which you see the world. You think this is just what the world is when really it’s a sign of who you are. Onlyness is hard to spot all by our lonesome.

That’s why helping leaders like you know their Onlyness lights me up. It is why the Onlyness Canvas is made public and sharable. And—when it’s critical to your life’s energy and momentum—I’m here to coach you personally. So that you can be fully alive at work. 

Leaders like you ask questions like these:

What’s my bigger purpose in life?

  • I’m in a state of change in my life. How do I become my fullest at work?
  • What is the right next career step for me? 
  • I successfully exited my company. Now what’s next for me?

Do I belong here?

  • I’m so burned out at work that I think I should quit and…start a farm or something. 
  • I’m an intrepreneur who’s hit the ceiling at my firm. How do I advance my career? 
  • I’ve been passed up for promotions. How do I not only express my value but get valued?

How do I feel alive at work and help others do the same?

  • I have a big idea but can’t build a business model around it, can you help? 
  • I’m building the next big thing; Can you help me build it “right from the start”? 
  • I want to enable my team to be fully living in their Onlyness. Teach me.

A proven seven-step methodology to name your value

Proven MethodologyImpact / Value
1. Onlyness CanvasSelf-awareness: name the stories that have defined who you are and who you are becoming
2. InquiryConnect the dots of what matters to you & why.
3. Strategy sessionGet the critical insight you’ve been missing for how you most add your value to the world.
4. Named OnlynessClarity: having language to name things lets you claim the source of your power and ideas.
5. RecordingIndelible insights you can unpack over time.
6. Customized homeworkPersonalized strategies to practice your Onlyness.
7. Follow-upPutting your Onlyness into action with support.

👉 Learn about the Onlyness Process Design in detail here.
👉 Schedule a 30-minute call to discuss how this Onlyness Consultation can help you. 

Transformational Results

Onlyness delivers results. Clients land positions, promotions, and raises that reflect their true value. They also start new companies, create new business models and forge new paths. All because they see their Onlyness, connect with purpose, and bring new energy to every day.

Fitting inStanding in one’s spot of value
HierarchyMeaningful connection
IsolatedSupported by your people
Burned outEnergized
AdriftA sense of purpose
LimitedConnected to a larger purpose

“Nilofer was instrumental in my transition from a senior executive role in Unilever to setting up my company Brands on a Mission. Onlyness is the best investment I have ever made!”

Myriam Sidibé, Founder, Brands on a Mission

“Nilofer’s Onlyness process is the highest impact coaching I’ve ever experienced. We uncovered what makes me unique and what I feel called to do. I now experience a new level of energy and confidence in my work.”

Michael D. Anderson, executive coach

“Working with Nilofer has shifted my understanding to not seeing my onlyness as “only I can get this done” to “we all have agency, what role can and should we all play.” I feel equipped to manage challenges with a presence and curiosity that I did not have before.”

Tenesha Duncan, Founder and Managing Director, Orchid Capital Collective

“I hoped that the Onlyness Session would move my thoughts and big ideas, of which I have many, into actionable clarity. And it more than delivered, in a supercharged way.”

Garry Turner, chemical industry leader; disruption and innovation catalyst

Onlyness helped me to get to my essence; moving what had been in the background to what needed to be up front. The Onlyness process pushed my thinking over the finish line.”

Kriss Digelmier, head of social impact @ Splunk; former/founding executive director the Stanford Center for Social Innovation

“As a result of my Onlyness work, I was able to name the type of role(s) that would best fulfill me and leverage who I am, with the type of people who would most support me doing that work, and the next few career moves I made incredibly fulfilling and energy-giving—for me and I believe for those around me.”

Katie A., vice president, revenue growth office, Alteryx

This process has left an indelible mark and will continue to resonate with me, becoming an integral part of my fabric, defining who I am and who I can be.”

Andy Martiniello, 100Coaches

“Onlyness helped me excavate the best parts of me and reconstruct my identity and internal narrative so that I have recovered my courage to give back to a world that has given me so much; and now my courage stems from a much stronger place.”

Sabina Schlumberger, Advisor

What’s the Investment?

When you know your purpose, you can connect meaningfully to your work and to the world. What’s that worth? An Onlyness consultation is an investment in yourself, at $2,495.

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