Animal species and various life forms throughout the realms. Trending pages Serpentine Dragonians Skulkin Merlopians Dragons Oni Stone Army Nindroids All items (87) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Androids Astro parasites B Bears Beavers Bees Bone collectors Bonepickers Brillies C Chickens Cows Craglings Crystal Warriors Crystal zombies D Death Wasps Devonians Dire Bats Djinns Dragonians Dragons Dream creatures F Fire spiders Fish Formlings Frogs Frost Wolves G Geckles Category:Geckles Geotomic Rock Monsters Ghosts Ghouls Giant piranhas Giant spiders Goats Gorillas Greenbone Warriors Grimspawn Grundles H Humans J Jellyfish K Keepers L Lava Monsters Lava-Tides Category:Lava-Tides Leviathans M Merlopians Minos Mucoids Category:Mucoids Mud monsters Munce Category:Munce N Nightmare creatures Nindroids NPCs O Octopuses Oni P Puppets Purple bog frogs R Rats Ravtures S Sand eels Serpentine Shadow Minions Skulkin Sky Folk Slugs Smoke creatures Snakes Sphinxes Spiders Category:Spiders Spirit Dragons Spykor Starteeth Stone Army Stone turtles T Tide-Folk Tiger wasps Tiger Widows Tigers Treehorns V Vastodectrus Venemous W Wallopers Water-Tides Whales Wolves Y Yeti