We only came to this town to buy supplies. But it turned out the general store business is a dangerous one around here.
Lee's Supplies was a general store owned by a man named Lee, who used its goods to supply the Skulkin.
Kai and Jay rode into the unnamed town where Lee's Supplies was located, hoping to purchase supplies from it for the rest of the ninja since it was the only general store in the area. Upon their arrival, Lee stated that his shop was closed for the day despite it not even being close to sundown, much to Kai's anger. Lee stated that it would be open at nine the following morning. After further attempts by the ninja to try and at purchase goods, Lee theorized that because they were ninja, they would steal his supplies without giving him payment.
That night at a nearby inn, the two ninja talk to Mrs. Park, the innkeeper, about Lee and his shop. She states that he sells low quality products and rips off his customers. A trader, Din, explains to them that Lee buys goods from him to supply his store.
As the ninja fall asleep, they hear a loud crash and rush outside, to find a crowd gathered around the rubble of what used to be Lee's Supplies. Upon further investigation, they discover that the four support beams that kept the shop standing were smashed, a crime they were soon blamed for by the townspeople.
Later, they visit Lee's property, where they investigate the shed where he keeps his shop records filed. They quickly discover that more goods are coming into the store than Lee is selling, despite the fact that he keeps purchasing more. This tips Kai and Jay off to the suspicious nature of Lee's Supplies.
Later, Jay spies on Kruncha and Nuckal after a villager was kidnapped. He overheard them mentioning the collapse of Lee's Supplies to each other, as well as their speculation of where their supplies from Lee could be.
Based on Jay's findings, the two ninja eventually gather the key suspects of the case, explaining that Lee used Lee's Supplies as a store to supply the Skulkin. They also found out that the trader, Din, sold Lee surplus goods for his store that he could sell to the Skulkin as well, and quickly apprehended him.
Lee's Supplies appeared as a general store primarily made of wooden lumber and canvas. Before it's destruction, it relied upon four wooden support beams to stay standing, and contained goods such as food, rope, and tools. Lee used crates to hold his goods, especially for deliveries to the Skulkin.
- Lee keeps his records for the shop on his personal property within a shed.
- The shed was burned, along with the documents inside by Din.