The Shadow Army, also known as the Army of Shadows, was an evil force of shadows created or summoned by Clouse using the power of Dark Matter to prevent the ninja from interfering with his plan to corrupt the Temple of Light. Fighting alongside the Sky Pirates, the Shadow Army proved vulnerable to Lloyd's powers but overwhelmed the ninja through sheer numbers. However, when Wu unveiled the Golden Mech and broke through Clouse's Shadow barrier, Clouse recalled the army and reformed them into his own dark copy of the mech. This shadow mech clashed with the Golden Mech but was ultimately defeated, allowing Wu to renew the powers of the Temple.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu
- 1. "Master Class" (painting)
- 3. "The Weekend Drill" (painting)
- 5. "Blue Lightning" (painting)
- 6. "Samurai X-Treme" (painting)
Season 10: March of the Oni
- 95. "The Darkness Comes" (painting)
- 98. "Endings" (painting)
Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu
- 99. "Wasted True Potential" (painting)
- 100. "Questing for Quests" (painting)
- 101. "A Rocky Start" (painting)
Prime Empire Original Shorts
- 1. "Let's Dance" (painting)
Season 13: Master of the Mountain
- 145. "Shintaro" (painting)
Season 14: Seabound
- 165. "A Big Splash" (painting)
The Virtues of Spinjitzu
- 1. "Curiosity" (painting)
Season 15: Crystalized
- 210. "Roots" (painting)
Dark Island Trilogy
- The Shadow Army created by Clouse is very similar to the shadows created by Garmadon in "King of Shadows."
- They are the only villainous faction to appear in the mural but not in the TV series.
- They are the only villainous faction to not have any physical minifigures released.