(P.I.X.A.L., Zane, Nya, Jay, Lloyd, Kai, Cole and Wu arrive at the harbor.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Zane, would you do the honors? (Zane presses a button and the Hydro Bounty emerges from below the water. All the ninja gasp.)
Jay: How did you build this so fast?
P.I.X.A.L.: I had been tinkering with it in my spare time over the past several years.
Wu: It's amazing, P.I.X.A.L..
P.I.X.A.L.: I am proud to say it is one of the most sophisticated vessels I have designed, and is practically unsinkable.
Cole: You know what happens when you call a vessel "unsinkable", right?
(P.I.X.A.L. is visibly confused while everyone else cringes. Lloyd motions for Cole to zip his mouth.)
Cole: Oh, it doesn't sink, of course. (Everyone nods in approval.)
Lloyd: This is great, P.I.X.A.L.. Just what we need.
Nya: But how sure are you that the underwater pulse you guys saw is causing my powers to freak out?
Zane: Ninety-seven percent positive.
Kai: That's pretty positive.
Nya: But what if my powers go crazy on me while we're down there? Maybe I should sit this mission out.
Jay: That's exactly why we need you to go! You're the master of Water. There's no one more connected to the sea than you!
Wu: However, you do make a point. If you'd rather stay here, with your mother?
Nya: No, no, no. Jay's right. I'll go pack! (Wu turns around and chuckles.)
(Back at the Monastery, Ray and Kai are still playing Prime Empire while Nya is speaking with Maya.)
Nya: I don't know how long we'll be gone. However long it takes to figure out what's creating this pulse and shut it down.
Maya: Sounds like it'll be dangerous.
Ray: (looks visibly dejected) So I guess I'll have no one to play Prime Empire with. Hmm.
Kai: Wait, I'm not going on the mission! Wu wants me to study the current and previous masters of Fire. That's you and me, pops. And besides, if that pulse hits again, someone has to protect Ninjago City. Cole's staying too.
Ray: Does Cole play Prime Empire?
Kai: Not as well as I do!
Cole: In your dreams, Kai. (He hops onto the couch between Kai and Ray, and starts a game with Ray. Nya leaves the room, and Maya chases after her.)
Maya: Are you sure this is the right time to be going on a mission?
Nya: Mom, I go on missions all the time. Missions are pretty much the main thing I do.
Maya: Don't you think it's time to maybe take a break? Rest a little?
Nya: Maybe that's how you used to solve problems, but the way I do it is to get involved and fix things. (She turns and leaves.)
(At the docks, P.I.X.A.L., Nya, Lloyd, Jay, and Zane walk triumphantly down the pier. Jay winks at Nya, but accidentally fires his gun and nearly drops it. Lloyd catches it, but accidentally fires it again, barely missing his head.)
Nya: (Sighs.) Jay!
Jay: Oh, ahem. Sorry.
(In the Hydro Bounty, everyone takes a seat.)
Zane: (In a pirate accent.) All hands ahoy, ye old salts! Cast off, and be quick about it!
Nya: Why are you talking like that, Zane?
P.I.X.A.L.: Let me guess. You downloaded thousands of terabytes of movies and novels on sailors and pirates, in order to prepare for our journey.
Zane: Yargh, and musical sea shanties. Now stow that jibber-jabber and cast off, I say! Cast off! (P.I.X.A.L. sighs and they start the Hydro Bounty.) That's better. Now full ahead and sound off, the lot of ye'!
P.I.X.A.L.: Navigation is go.
Lloyd: Engines are go.
Nya: Sonar is go.
Jay: Uh ... sorry, what am I?
Zane: Blast me wits! You're at the helm, lad, the helm!
Jay: Oh! Um, ahem. Helm is go!
Zane: Music to me ears! Dive the boat. Make your depth three hundred feet, and full ahead!
(The Hydro Bounty submerges.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Hmm, I am detecting movement in the aft corridor.
Zane: Fie! How can that be? We're all here.
P.I.X.A.L.: Never mind, must be a faulty sensor. We are entering open ocean.
Zane: Avast, scallywags, we must be on our guard, as we dip into the dark and briny deep and fathoms unseen!
Nya: Yeah ... I'm gonna need a Pirate to Nindroid translation on that.
P.I.X.A.L.: What Zane means is that we are now traveling to the deepest part of the ocean. A trench known as the Tartarus Trench, which has never been mapped, so we should prepare for the unexpected.
(In the kitchen, Nya is staring out the window and Jay is eating sushi.)
Jay: Ah, delicious! Mm. (Nya looks at him, annoyed, then turns back to the window.) Mm. At least this quest means lots of fresh sushi. You sure you're not hungry?
Nya: Jay, the ocean's good for much more than food. As we go deeper, I can feel its elemental power growing. It's almost overwhelming.
Jay: (He takes her hand.) Don't worry, Nya. (The two share a smile.) Whatever is freaking out your powers, I know we'll find the solution down here.
Nya: No one's ever been this deep before. We have no idea what we'll find down here.
Jay: Well, hehe, one thing I don't wanna find is myself in the pirate brig. I'm sure (in a pirate accent) Cap'n Zane would have us keel-hauled if we don't do our dishes. (He sees that the dishes were already done, and he gasps and looks confused.)
(In the bedroom, Lloyd enters to find his bed fully made.)
Lloyd: What? Who made my bed? (He sees something on his pillow.) Is that ... (He sniffs it and eats it.) pillow mint? Ah, the most refreshing mint of them all. But how?
(Nya enters the washing room.)
Nya: Did someone already wash my clothes? (She peers into the washing machine confusedly.)
(Zane limps down a corridor slowly, while the others come up to him.)
Nya: Zane, we might have a problem.
Lloyd: Yeah, the chores are - Wait, why are you walking like that?
Zane: I be simulating the walk of a pirate with a peg leg.
Nya: Sure. Okay. One question. Why?
Zane: So me crew will respect me, of course, ye briny barnacles!
Jay: (Rushes in panting.) Guys. Someone's been doing all of my chores! There's only one explanation.
Nya: Right. A stowaway!
Jay: What? No! We're being haunted by the ghost of some butler! Probably named Ducklesworth or something. (A shadow runs past behind them. Jay gasps.) It's Ducklesworth! Get him!
(Everyone runs towards the shadow while Zane continues limping. They stop at a dead end.)
Lloyd: Where'd they go?
Jay: Hello, he's a ghost! He can fade through walls. Ghost are like super ninjas.
Nya: Wait. Let's say I was a ninja, a former ninja. Where would I ... (She looks up and gasps.) I knew it!
Maya: (From the ceiling.) Oh, hi, sweetie! You're here too? (She laughs nervously.)
Jay: (Gasps.) You're Ducklesworth?!
Nya: There's no ghost butler, Jay. Just my mom not believing I can do anything on my own!
Maya: That's not true, Nya. I just wanted to be there for you, to help you figure this out. Besides, you're the one who told me it's important to get involved and fix things. So, I'm here!
Nya: We're turning around, and taking you home!
Zane: Stand fast! We be miles 'neath the briny blue. We cannot turn back now!
Maya: See? No backsies. Don't worry, I'll bake us some muffins!
Lloyd and Jay: Yes! (Maya chuckles.)
P.I.X.A.L.: All crew to the bridge. We are now approaching the Tartarus Trench.
(Everyone returns to the bridge.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Ah, Maya. Good to see you. That explains why my clothes were pressed and folded.
Maya: Oh, that reminds me, Jay, honey, I need to teach you how to bleach your boxer shorts.
Jay: (Looking embarrassed.) Oh come on. (Nya glares at Maya.)
Nya: P.I.X.A.L., what are those structures approaching?
P.I.X.A.L.: Spires of rock.
Zane: Reduce speed.
P.I.X.A.L.: (They hit something.) No damage detected. (Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.) Look!
Nya: It's like a graveyard of ships.
Jay: What do you suppose happened to them?
Zane: Hold fast, lads. Keep your nerve. (They hit something again.)
Jay: What was that?
P.I.X.A.L.: We're taking fire! Something is approaching fast!
Zane: Avast! They've hit us abroadsides! Evasive action! Return fire!
P.I.X.A.L.: Locked on _target.
Zane: All stun torpedoes.
Lloyd: Tubes one and two, fired!
P.I.X.A.L.: I've lost the _target.
Jay: Did we hit it? Whoa!
P.I.X.A.L.: We've lost power!
Nya: We're sinking!
P.I.X.A.L.: We are approaching maximum safe depth. We must stop our descent!
Nya: I see a ledge of some kind to our left!
Zane: Left, full rudder! Brace for impact!
Jay: I'm definitely going to need to wash my boxer shorts again. Hehe.
Nya: Shh. No one make a sound! They can still hear us.
Lloyd: Is everyone okay?
Maya: I think so.
Zane: (He slides down his seat and raises a hand.) I be alive.
P.I.X.A.L.: I do not believe it can see us.
Nya: Great. Now how do we get out of here?
P.I.X.A.L.: It appears we have sustained critical damage. All systems are down.
Zane: (facepalms) Shiver me timbers! We be stranded at the bottom of the sea! Our unsinkable vessel, be sunk!
(End of the episode. For more information, click here.)