The texts of laws, decrees, official regulations, public treaties, judicial decisions and other official acts shall not be protected by this Law. The right of exploitation of a created audiovisual work, a broadcast work or a computer program by the author and his/her successors expires after 60 years, counted from 1 January of the year following from the first publication. Copyright shall subsist for the lifetime of the author and shall expire after 60 years counted from 1 January of the year following his death, including the copyright in works not disclosed in his lifetime.
It is a collaborative work, and sixty years have passed counting from 1 January of the year following that of the death of the last surviving coauthor.
The copyrights of a photographer and his/her successors become extinct sixty years from the first publication of the work.
Sixty years have passed since the work's completion and it was not published or registered during this period. The time referred to for purposes of copyright is counted from 1 January of the year following the publication or, failing that, the completion.
It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work, and sixty years have passed from the first publication or the completion of the work.
It is a photo made by a professional photographer, and it was a an object where ownership transferred during a labor relationship or professional contract and the employer or contractor liberated it.
It is an edition of a work of others or of texts that represent the result of scientific work, and fifteen years have passed since the publication of the work or the preparation of the work (whichever comes first). This does not affect the period of copyright of the original work.
It is an image recorded on audiovisual tape, and equivalent conditions to copyright of photographs have been met, insofar as they do not themselves constitute audiovisual works.
Intellectual products generated under an employment relationship in the public sector—or financed through public funds—that generates intellectual property rights, will be considered to be in the public domain, while maintaining the authors' rights to public recognition.
Dette biletet er sett saman av eit flagg, eit våpen, eit sigill eller eit anna offisielt insignium. Bruken av slike symbol er avgrensa i fleire land. Desse restriksjonane er uavhengige av den opphavsrettslege statusen.
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== Description == {{Information |Description=Flag of Vargas State of Venezuela |Source=Image:VARGAS.JPG, and own work |Date=Nov 13 2006 |Author= Ramjar (Image:VARGAS.JPG) ; bayo (SVG conversion) |Permission= |other_