The Official Journal Act by Act
The Official Journal of the European Union (the OJ) in which EU legal acts are published, is moving to the Official Journal act by act. As of 1 October 2023, the Official Journal will no longer be published as a collection of acts but individually as an authentic Official Journal in PDF format. It will consist of:
- A set of act by act related to a unique publication date, where an act has an identifier like oj:C_202300002
- For each act, the electronic signature, with an identifier like oj:C_202300002_SIG
Please note that the identifiers are given as examples and don't exist. In order to find the acts and signatures belonging to an OJ Act by Act related to a specific date of publication, you should either consult them in EUR-Lex, or run a SPARQL query. This SPARQL query can be run into the Cellar SPARQL endpoint :
prefix cdm: <> SELECT distinct ?act ?sig where { ?c_act owl:sameAs ?act. ?c_act cdm:official-journal-act_date_publication "2023-10-02"^^<> FILTER (regex(?act,'/oj/')). ?c_exp cdm:expression_belongs_to_work ?c_act. ?c_manif cdm:manifestation_manifests_expression?c_exp. ?c_sig cdm:signature_digital_signs_manifestation?c_manif. ?c_sig owl:sameAs?sig. } |
The following table illustrates an example of results of the previous SPARQL query, with the URIs of acts and their signatures for the publication date "2023-10-02":
Act | Signature |
---|---| | | | |
Please consider that these results have been simulated and don't exist. Before the date "2023-10-02" the set of results of this query is empty, the real results will be given after the 2nd October.