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Light Control via Higher-order Diffraction in One-dimensional Metagratings
Yeong Hwan Ko
Curr. Opt. Photon. 8(6), 673-677 (2024) View:
Switchable Privacy Mode for Symmetrically Viewed Automotive Displays: Dependence on the Optical Parameters of the Retarder
Ji-Hoon Lee, Minseo Kang, Yeongseop Lim, and Hoon-Sub Shin
Curr. Opt. Photon. 8(6), 664-672 (2024) View:
Nonlinear Effects of a Laser Phase-conjugate Wave and Synchronization Transmission of a Signal
Ling Lü, Huixiu Li, and Qingtao Wei
Curr. Opt. Photon. 8(6), 659-663 (2024) View:
Single-shot Transport-of-intensity Equation Using a Lateral-displacement-beam-splitter Module for Biological Samples
Joseph Vermont Bunyi Bandoy, Cuong Manh Nguyen, An Nazmus Sakib, Suhyeon Kim, and Hyuk-Sang Kwon
Curr. Opt. Photon. 8(6), 650-658 (2024) View:
Fabrication and Evaluation of Air-spaced Achromatic Objective Lens System for Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy
Jong-Goo Kang, Jae Heung Jo, Kyuhang Lee, and Hyeonjin Seo
Curr. Opt. Photon. 8(6), 641-649 (2024) View: