GLAM/Newsletter/February 2013/Contents/UK report
GLAM-Wiki 2013 preparation
Main page: wmuk:GLAM-WIKI 2013
The major piece of organisation in the UK this month has been the planning for the GLAM-Wiki 2013 conference. A very strong call for submissions closed on 15th February, and a schedule was published at the end of the month.
The conference will run over three days - the first day will focus on talks and reports of partnerships to date, while the second day will be a more practically-oriented series of workshops and panel discussions, both for individuals from the cultural sector interested in learning more about working with the Wikimedia community, and for a more experienced audience wanting to look at some of the new tools being developed to help with collaborations.
The third day will be an unconference/hackathon, organised by THATCamp London.
The conference will be held at the British Library, London, from 12th-14th April, and Wikimedians as well as cultural-sector organisations are warmly invited. For more information, see wmuk:GLAM-WIKI 2013, or register here.