| | Status | Subtype | Assigned | Task |
| | Resolved | | daniel | T161671 Compacting the revision table |
| | Resolved | | None | T227047 Complete actor table and comment table migration |
| | Resolved | | None | T215466 Remove revision_comment_temp and revision_actor_temp |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T238966 Apply updates for MCR, actor migration, and content migration, to production wikis. |
| | Resolved | | • Bstorm | T252219 Drop MCR-obsoleted fields from the wiki replicas |
| | Resolved | | daniel | T253289 Remove USE INDEX usertext_timestamp and other references from code |
| | Resolved | | daniel | T258480 Query plan changes on enwiki.revision queries with MCR change |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T259524 Review revision table and make sure that the PK is always rev_id |
| | Resolved | | Zabe | T275246 Populate rev_actor and rev_comment_id |
| | Resolved | | • tstarling | T278917 Clean up obsolete ActorMigration usages for non-temp tables |
| | Resolved | | Zabe | T299954 Write code for handing write and read of rev_comment_id |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T307906 Drop revision_actor_temp in production |
| | Resolved | | Ladsgroup | T338284 Drop revision_comment_temp in production |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T166733 Deploy refactored comment storage |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T166732 Refactor comment storage in the database and abstract access in MediaWiki |
| | Resolved | | None | T166798 Decide whether back-compat views for upcoming major schema changes will be provided in the Labs replicas |
| | Duplicate | | None | T232531 Refactor Comment fields for CheckUser Component |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T174569 Schema change for refactored comment storage |
| | Resolved | | • Bstorm | T181650 Change views for the new columns of the refactored comment storage |
| | Declined | | None | T210935 Blank out remaining rev_comment fields on Wikimedia wikis |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T210937 API query for userprops not working on group0 wikis (maybe because comment migration read-new) |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T212972 Remove reference to text fields replaced by the comment table from WMCS views |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T188327 Deploy refactored actor storage |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T188299 Schema change for refactored actor storage |
| | Resolved | | • Bstorm | T195747 Create views for the schema change for refactored actor storage |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T187089 Fix WMF schemas to not break when comment store goes WRITE_NEW |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T204669 Slow access to Special:Contributions on mediawiki.org (due to enabling actor table WRITE_BOTH mode) |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Catrope | T204764 DB error in PageTriage: Unknown column 'actor_rev_user.actor_user' in 'on clause' |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Anomie | T204767 Special:ActiveUsers fails with "Error: 1054 Unknown column 'rc_actor' in 'on clause' (" |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T209847 Clean up actor renames on mediawikiwiki |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Anomie | T210621 Internal api error: CannotCreateActorException |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T215464 Oversighters can no longer see suppressed contributions past a certain date when using the offender parameter |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T215525 log_search rows with ls_field='_target_author_actor' and empty ls_value are created during actor migration |
| | Resolved | | Anomie | T223406 Remove reference to fields replaced by the actor table from WMCS views |
| | Resolved | | Niharika | T219324 Update tools maintained by Community-Tech to use new actor storage |
| | Resolved | | MaxSem | T219328 Update Event Metrics to use new actor storage |
| | Resolved | | MusikAnimal | T223667 Update to use new actor storage |
| | Resolved | | • Bstorm | T221339 Missing index on revision_userindex.rev_actor |
| | Resolved | | Milimetric | T224134 Finish actor migration in refinery sqoop and refinery source |
| | Open | | None | T225007 Update operator/user manual description of database tables changed for refactored actor storage |
| | Open | | None | T208690 Create revision_commentindex on Wiki Replicas in Cloud VPS |
| | Open | | None | T167246 Refactor "user" & "user_text" fields into "actor" reference table |
| | Resolved | | Jdforrester-WMF | T188183 Add the "actor" table to the database layout documentation |
| | Resolved | | Ciencia_Al_Poder | T188710 Adapt grabbers to support the new actor table |
| | Open | | None | T205353 Clean up empty ar_user_text and rev_user_text fields |
| | Resolved | | Seb35 | T229092 Investigate migrateActors script failing due to duplicate empty actor_name |
| | Resolved | | Zabe | T233004 Update CheckUser for actor and comment table |
| | Resolved | | Ladsgroup | T303603 Add actor and comment columns to cu_changes |
| | Resolved | BUG REPORT | Zabe | T306045 Column 'cuc_actor' cannot be null (localhost) when logging in with incorrect creds |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Zabe | T309148 Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: Error 1048: Column 'cuc_actor' cannot be nullFunction: MediaWiki\CheckUser\Hooks::updateCheckUserDataQuery: INSERT INTO `cu_changes` (cuc_namespace,cuc_title,cuc_minor,cuc_user,cuc_user_text,cuc_ |
| | Resolved | | Dreamy_Jazz | T309454 cul_reason in cu_log should use the comment table |
| | Declined | | None | T309982 Add cu_log.cul_reason_id, cu_log.cul_reason_plaintext_id and cu_log.cul_actor to the cu_log table |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Zabe | T316661 CannotCreateActorException: Cannot create an actor for a usable name that is not an existing user: user_name="Contact Form on Meta" |
| | Resolved | | None | T321391 Add new column cu_log.cul_reason_id and cu_log.cul_reason_plaintext_id to wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T321126 Add column 'cul_actor' and index cul_actor_time to cu_log on wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Zabe | T325484 Run PopulateCulActor on all wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T326011 Add default values to cul_user and cul_user_text |
| | Resolved | | None | T326330 Update sqoop for CheckUser table |
| | Resolved | | Zabe | T327290 Run PopulateCulComment on all wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328086 Drop cul_user and cul_user_text from cu_log on wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328236 Add default value to cul_reason on WMF wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328373 Drop default value from cul_actor on wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328807 Drop cul_reason from cu_log on wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328817 Drop cuc_user and cuc_user_text from cu_changes in wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T328828 Remove default on cul_reason_id and cul_reason_plaintext_id in the cu_log table on wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Dreamy_Jazz | T328849 Error 1265: Data truncated for column 'cul_reason_id' at row 1 |
| | Resolved | BUG REPORT | Dreamy_Jazz | T328851 Removal of columns causes sqlite updates that have temporary tables to fail |
| | Resolved | BUG REPORT | Dreamy_Jazz | T328855 Removal of columns causes 1.39 postgres updates to fail |
| | Resolved | PRODUCTION ERROR | Zabe | T329151 Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: Error 1054: Unknown column 'cul_reason' in 'field list'Function: IndexPager::buildQueryInfo (MediaWiki\CheckUser\CheckUser\Pagers\CheckUserLogPager)Query: SELECT cul_id,cul_timestamp,cul_reason, |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T329260 Drop cuc_comment from cu_changes in wmf wikis |
| | Resolved | | Marostegui | T329684 Drop default value from cuc_actor and cuc_comment_id on wmf wikis |