Deletion should be rewritten to convert it from a action page to a special page.
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If there's an advantage architecturally, maybe @tstarling or @daniel could comment and advise. Otherwise, it seems like a potentially destabilizing change that doesn't have much upside for end users. I'm moving this to our icebox, and if someone on our team has another opinion they can move it back out.
Deletion should be rewritten to convert it from a action page to a special page.
For a broader discussion of action vs special page, see T201967: RFC: Consolidate WikiPage action and special page systems. Seems we abandoned the idea.
If there's an advantage architecturally, maybe @tstarling or @daniel could comment and advise
I don't see any, really. Actions seem the correct concept for modifications that apply to a page.
The Action class is terrible and in need of a rewrite, but that doesn't mean we have to mess with the public interface.
@daniel thanks for the quick reply. Last question: if a volunteer were to submit an otherwise good patch for this, would we accept it? If not, I think we should mark this issue as "declined".
It's a braking change since the old URLs would stop working. If the patch came with suitable backwards compatibility measures, it's not out of the question to merge it, if there is good rationale for the change.
I'd like to hear the reasoning before declining, at least.
Ah, there is some discussion on the parent task T233987. I'll tag that for PM review.
As a wiki editor and sysop (not on WMF wiki tho) I want to point up that page actions in MediaWiki seems really incconsistent and confusing. Just to say that renaming a page is available through special page, but deleting is done via action parameter. Same thing applies to changing content model and protecting.
For me you should try to make these operations as consistent as possible or at least make appropriate redirects to allow renaming pages with $1?action=move redirecting to Special:MovePage/$1 or something like that.
Backwards compatibility measure: don't drop support for action=delete for a while
- Introduce Special:Delete with a required page parameter[1]
- Update coded links to action=delete to use the new special page
- Wait a while
- Officially deprecate action=delete
- Wait a while
- Remove action=delete support (or redirect to the new special page)
Special pages are more widely used for non view/edit functions, and are better documented, making them (at least to volunteers) easier to use, extend, or otherwise contribute to.
[1] This would mirror Special:Movepage -
Re-tag core platform team for visibility of the question above. Marking as stalled pending product approval
I'm sorry that I haven't handled this task. I recently returned from a long bout of unexpected inactivity, and while I plan to resume my contributions here on Phabricator its unfair to claim tasks that I might not work on when others may be interested in handling them. I'm removing myself as the assignee in a batch-action, but if someone feels that I really should be the one to handle this task feel free to re-assign me and I'll take a look.