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Add a new Python 2 section to nightly
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description ships the last stable and the last master release of Pywikibot. Because Python 2 is deprecated and Pywikibot support will be dropped soon there should be a 3rd section for the python 2 branch tagged with "python2". Currently this is the same as "stable" tag but in near future this might be the last release which supports Python 3

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Dvorapa claimed this task.

After last version for Python 2, it should be changed like for compat: move core_python2 files and folders to public_html_static folder and stop its generation

First many thanks for this.

After last version for Python 2, it should be changed like for compat: move core_python2 files and folders to public_html_static folder and stop its generation

Is there any link for the compat release? Didn't find it.

Is there any link for the compat release? Didn't find it.

There is not any link in tool webpage. But compat files are still on their original urls. Not generated from source every day, only static. This will happen with last python2 release too.

Bugs 2
Note 1