Request the necessary reviews of the IP Info extension. The code will be mostly complete by T260602
Event Timeline
@Reedy I was thinking we need to first create a repository and wikipage before requesting the necessary reviews, are you saying we don't need to do that step first?
Not really. You can request the reviews anyime (which is more for scheduling purposes etc). For them to actually be performed things need to be mostly complete, sure.
Technically, most of the tasks under T260597: Deploy IP Info extension to all wikis (as a beta feature) block a review (ie to be feature complete), but they didn't block it in the structure.
It's in your/your teams interest to give as much notice as possible to both Security-Team and Performance-Team to get reviews done.
For example, from they require quite a bit of notice.
Performance reviews for a given quarter must be requested at least 21 calendar days prior to the beginning of the quarter.
So if you wanted it reviewing next quarter by them, you need to get your request in basically in the next 2-3 weeks...
It doesn't particularly matter if you're requesting reviews for 6, 12, 18 or 24M down the line and mostly just filing a placeholder task. Any and all heads up for future scheduling. Sure, it might get marked stalled and lowest for a while, but it gets it on our radar, rather than "surprise! we need this reviewing for deployment in two weeks time". Give occasional status updates on the ticket. Then when you're getting near to being done, having deadlines you want to meet etc (still need to give reasonable notice to be able to find an actual schedule slot), and fill out the rest of the template from the original placeholder as applicable.
Of course, depending on the type of the review... It's not unreasonable for that to be done before there's any code really written, when it's mostly at the ideas stage.