I ran a "get edits" check and among the results there were some edits on a page that has since been edited. Before the page title (which is a red link) there is a "(history)" blue link. Clicking on it resulted in a "Bad title" error. The blue link is in the following format: https://fa.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=somedeletedpage&curid=123456789&action=history
The cause for error appears to be that a curid is provided while the page is in fact deleted. If I manually remove the curid from the URL, I am taken to the delete page without any errors, and can access its deleted history from there.
I don't use the "(history)" link in CU results too often but I can't recall seeing "curid" in those links before. Is this a new addition?
Conversely, has it always been there but recently MW Core started throughing an error for a history link with a curid but a deleted title?